Archive for June, 2016

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New Yorkers Reveal Secrets To Living Rent-Free

Teens Record Themselves Mowing Down Family Of Geese

Tampons A New Norm In Public Bathrooms?

MLB Rookies Sent On Starbucks Runs At Wrigley Field

Teen Alerts Science Museum To Exhibit Error

Grizzly Shatters Glass Pane At Zoo!

Odds Are You Won't Like This Powerball Story

The Extra Credit Assignment That Will Stun You

7-Foot Lobsters?!? 2-Story Sharks?!?

City Pulls Bus Slogan: Offensive When Read Backwards!

Hubble Photo: Pluto's Moons Tumbling In Chaos!

Woman's Suitcase Arrives At Airport In Shreds

Terrorist Details Alleged Torture By CIA

VIDEO: Juror's Jewelry Stolen -- By Defendant!

Couple Finds Snake Infestation In Brand New Home!

Drunk Driver-Proof Cars In 5 Years?

Target Shopper: There's A Black Widow In My Grapes!

Study: Americans Worrying About Wrong Things

Computer Coding: Why Aren't Schools Teaching It?

Placenta Pills: Health Phenomenon Or Taboo?

Test Predicts If You'll Die Within 5 Years

AUDIO: Man Calls 911 Over Standoff -- With Cat

The Horrors Of Misnophonia

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Second Amendment news, articles and information: is a free video website featuring thousands of videos on holistic health, nutrition, fitness, recipes, natural remedies and much more.

CounterThink Cartoons are free to view and download. They cover topics like health, environment and freedom.

The Consumer Wellness Center is a non-profit organization offering nutrition education grants to programs that help children and expectant mothers around the world.

Food Investigations is a series of mini-documentaries exposing the truth about dangerous ingredients in the food supply. offers alternative health programs, documentaries and more.

The Honest Food Guide is a free, downloadable public health and nutrition chart that dares to tell the truth about what foods we should really be eating. offers a free online reference database of healing foods, phytonutrients and plant-based medicines that prevent or treat diseases and health conditions. is a free, online reference library that lists medicinal herbs and their health benefits. is a free online reference database of phytonutrients (natural medicines found in foods) and their health benefits. Lists diseases, foods, herbs and more.

Here is the original post:
Second Amendment news, articles and information:

Eric Holder – The New York Times

News about Eric Holder, including commentary and archival articles published in The New York Times.


The lawyers tried to prepare for any legal obstacles and made it all but inevitable that Bin Laden would be killed, not captured.


Many people who committed minor offenses are blocked from employment and other basic rights for years afterward.


The Justice Department appears to want other companies under investigation to view the significant benefits realized by General Motors from its cooperation.


The Justice Department is telling companies to investigate wrongdoing more thoroughly or else. The challenge is figuring out what or else might be.


It may no longer be possible for Wall Street companies to cut deals that allow individual wrongdoing to be swept under the rug.


The government has waded into cases involving legal aid, transgender students, juvenile prisoners and people who take videos of police officers.


Despite individual acts of clemency, the Obama administrations record on unfair imprisonment is terrible.


The former attorney general will be based in the law firms Washington office to focus on investigations and complex lawsuits.


The bill seeks to address complaints of excessive ticketing raised by black residents after the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson last year.


The obstacles the Obama administration faced in ending the federal death penalty provide vivid examples of just how politically fraught the debate remains.


A Tweet Sinks Twitters Stock| Jurors Food Fight Threatens to Derail Programmers Trial | Lawsuits Filed Over Corporate Defense Tactic


In the area of white-collar crime, the reaction to Mr. Holders leadership has been mixed, with questions raised about whether too much emphasis was put on penalizing organizations.


Aides say Loretta E. Lynch plans to improve the departments relationships with police groups and Congress, which have been strained during Eric H. Holder Jr.s tenure.


At the Supreme Court, the attorney generals office consistently backs officers accused of abuse, even as it pursues civil rights investigations against several local police departments.


Under current federal laws, nothing requires police departments and other agencies to report to the public or to the Justice Department about shootings involving officers.


Mr. Grassley, the Iowa Republican who is chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, sent letters to the Justice Department and the Treasury asking for details about the decision.


The inmate, who is in prison in Georgia, wants the state to restart the hormone treatment she had been taking for 17 years before her arrest.


Republicans can accept Loretta E. Lynch, a nominee they oppose because she backs the presidents policies, or reject her and live with an attorney general they loathe, Eric H. Holder Jr.


Unlike federal courts, military commissions have a dismal record of prosecuting terrorists.


The citys historically troubled Police Department faces steep challenges on the way to reform.


Eric H. Holder Jr. said goodbye to the Justice Department on Friday, his last day as attorney general.


Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. condemned the attacks on two police officers in Ferguson, Mo., calling the attacker a damn punk.


Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. described the Justice Departments searing report on Ferguson, Mo., which found deep distrust between police officers and residents.

Associated Press

Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. announced that the agency will pay $1.37 billion to settle an array of government lawsuits that accused S.&P. of inflating subprime mortgage investment ratings.

U.S. Department of Justice

Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. said Friday that the Justice Department had issued new recommendations to law enforcement agencies about the management of public protests.


Eric H. Holder Jr., the first African-American to serve as United States attorney general, announced his resignation in a ceremony at the White House.

Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., who met with the family of Michael Brown during his trip to Ferguson, Mo., said that mistrust exists between the police and the people they are meant to serve.

Associated Press

Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. and Capt. Ronald S. Johnson of the Missouri State Highway Patrol spoke after a more peaceful night of protests in Ferguson, Mo.

Christian Roman

President Obama said Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. will go to Ferguson, Mo., on Wednesday to monitor the ongoing investigation into the shooting death of Michael Brown.

The final signed letter sent to Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. on Wednesday, urged the Justice Department to intervene in the case about the death of Eric Garner immediately.

Carrie Halperin

Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. held a news conference to discuss the landmark resolution in a mortgage securities investigation of Citigroup.

Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. urged countries in Europe and elsewhere to do more to keep their citizens from traveling to Syria to train and fight with extremists.


Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. announced that BNP Paribas will plead guilty to criminal charges and pay a $8.9 billion fine for violating sanctions.

Natalia V. Osipova

How five men working for the Peoples Liberation Army in China ended up wanted by United States authorities.

Associated Press

Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. announced that the Swiss bank would plead guilty in a tax evasion case, pay about $2.6 billion in penalties and hire an independent monitor.


Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. announced charges against Chinese army personnel for hacking into American companies including Westinghouse, United States Steel and Alcoa.

Carrie Halperin

Also on the Minute, Syrias humanitarian crisis, and the risks people take to find their iPhones.

Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. announced that Toyota had reached a $1.2 billion deal with the Justice Department to settle a four-year criminal investigation.

Toyota has agreed to a record $1.2 billion settlement with the U.S. Justice Department over criminal charges tied to the Japanese automaker's historic recall back in 2009. Conway G. Gittens reports.

Toyota has agreed to a record $1.2 billion settlement with the U.S. Justice Department over criminal charges tied to the Japanese automaker's historic recall back in 2009. Conway G. Gittens reports.


The former attorney general will be based in the law firms Washington office to focus on investigations and complex lawsuits.


At the Supreme Court, the attorney generals office consistently backs officers accused of abuse, even as it pursues civil rights investigations against several local police departments.


Under current federal laws, nothing requires police departments and other agencies to report to the public or to the Justice Department about shootings involving officers.


Republicans can accept Loretta E. Lynch, a nominee they oppose because she backs the presidents policies, or reject her and live with an attorney general they loathe, Eric H. Holder Jr.


Attorney General Eric Holder told the crowd at a commemorative march Sunday that access to the polls was under siege by a flurry of recent state laws.


Loretta E. Lynchs dealings with the Republican-led Senate Judiciary Committee were mostly cordial as she faced questions on immigration and other hot-button issues.


Loretta E. Lynch is expected to present herself as an apolitical career prosecutor when the Republican-controlled Senate Judiciary Committee opens hearings on her nomination.


Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. called for improved tracking of the number of times law enforcement officers are shot at or fire their weapons, as part of a trust-building effort.


The revisions make it much more difficult, though not impossible, to demand phone records, notes or emails from news organizations.


Friends say Loretta E. Lynch, an African-American reared in the segregated South, sees herself more as a traditional prosecutor than a civil rights advocate.


Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. spoke with the police and community members in Chicago on Friday about law enforcement practices, his latest stop in a nationwide tour.


Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., facing a deadline in a case involving a reporter for The New York Times, has been asked to approve a separate subpoena for a reporter for CBS News.


Excerpt from:
Eric Holder - The New York Times

Communism vs Socialism – Difference and Comparison | Diffen

Philosophy From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs. Free-access to the articles of consumption is made possible by advances in technology that allow for super-abundance. From each according to his ability, to each according to his contribution. Emphasis on profit being distributed among the society or workforce to complement individual wages/salaries. Ideas All people are the same and therefore classes make no sense. The government should own all means of production and land and also everything else. People should work for the government and the collective output should be redistributed equally. All individuals should have access to basic articles of consumption and public goods to allow for self-actualization. Large-scale industries are collective efforts and thus the returns from these industries must benefit society as a whole. Key Proponents Karl Marx, Fredrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky. Robert Owen, Pierre Leroux, Karl Marx, Fredrick Engels, John Stuart Mill, Albert Einstein, George Bernard Shaw, Thorstein Veblen, Emma Goldman. Key Elements Centralized government, planned economy, dictatorship of the "proletariat", common ownership of the tools of production, no private property. equality between genders and all people, international focus. Usually anti-democratic with a 1-party system. Economic activity and production especially are adjusted by the State to meet human needs and economic demands. "Production for use": useful goods and services are produced specifically for their usefulness. Political System A communist society is stateless, classless and is governed directly by the people. This however has never been practised. Can coexist with different political systems. Most socialists advocate participatory democracy, some (Social Democrats) advocate parliamentary democracy, and Marxist-Leninists advocate "Democratic centralism." Political Movements Leninism, Trotskyism, Marxism-Leninism, Maoism, Left-Communism, Stalinism. Democratic socialism, communism, libertarian socialism, social anarchism, and syndicalism. Private Property Abolished. The concept of property is negated and replaced with the concept of commons and ownership with "usership". Two kinds of property: Personal property, such as houses, clothing, etc. owned by the individual. Public property includes factories, and means of production owned by the State but with worker control. Economic Coordination Economic planning coordinates all decisions regarding investment, production and resource allocation. Planning is done in terms of physical units instead of money. Planned-socialism relies principally on planning to determine investment and production decisions. Planning may be centralized or decentralized. Market-socialism relies on markets for allocating capital to different socially-owned enterprises. Definition International theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, with actual ownership ascribed to the community or state. Rejection of free markets and extreme distrust of Capitalism in any form. A theory or system of social organization based on the holding of most property in common, with actual ownership ascribed to the workers. Religion Abolished - all religious and metaphysics is rejected. Freedom of religion, but usually promotes secularism. Ownership Structure The means of production are commonly-owned, meaning no entity or individual owns productive property. Importance is ascribed to "usership" over "ownership". The means of production are socially-owned with the surplus value produced accruing to either all of society (in Public-ownership models) or to all the employee-members of the enterprise (in Cooperative-ownership models). Social Structure All class distinctions are eliminated. Class distinctions are diminished. Status derived more from political distinctions than class distinctions. Some mobility. Economic System The means of production are held in common, negating the concept of ownership in capital goods. Production is organized to provide for human needs directly without any use for money. Communism is predicated upon a condition of material abundance. The means of production are owned by public enterprises or cooperatives, and individuals are compensated based on the principle of individual contribution. Production may variously be coordinated through either economic planning or markets. Free Choice Either the collective "vote" or the state's rulers make economic and political decisions for everyone else. In practice, rallies, force, propaganda etc. are used by the rulers to control the populace. Religion, jobs, & marriage are up to the individual. Compulsory education. Free, equal access to healthcare & education provided through a socialized system funded by taxation. Production decisions driven more by State decision than consumer demand. Discrimination In theory, all members of the state are considered equal. The people are considered equal; laws are made when necessary to protect people from discrimination. Immigration is often tightly controlled. Way of Change Government in a Communist-state is the agent of change rather than any market or desire on the part of consumers. Change by government can be swift or slow, depending on change in ideology or even whim. Workers in a socialist state are the nominal agent of change rather than any market or desire on the part of consumers. Change by the State on behalf of workers can be swift or slow, depending on change in ideology or even whim. Examples Ideally, there is no leader; the people govern directly. This has never been actually practiced, and has just used a one-party system. Examples 0f Communist states are the erstwhile Soviet Union, Cuba and North Korea. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR): although the actual categorization of the USSR's economic system is in dispute, it is often considered to be a form of centrally-planned socialism. Earliest Remnants Theorized by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels in the mid-19th century as an alternative to capitalism and feudalism, communism was not tried out until after the revolution in Russia in the early 1910s. In 1516, Thomas More write in "Utopia" about a society based around common ownership of property. In 1776, Adam Smith advocated the labor theory of value, ignoring the previous Cantillonian view that prices are derived from supply and demand.

See the article here:
Communism vs Socialism - Difference and Comparison | Diffen

1st Michigan Tea Party Alliance Homepage

Debate October 20, 2015 Downtown Lansing, Capital Square

We need you in Lansing on Tuesday October 20th if at all possible. It will be worth your time.

1. From 12 noon til 1:15 we will gather at Central United Methodist Church, 215 N. Capital in Lansing (map here). We are arranging for a presentation of the torturous journey of the effort to fund the road repairs that Michigan needsover the past few years including the horrible Prop. 1 that went down in glorious, richly deserved defeat just last May. Bring a sack lunch, some snacks to share.... sort of a church pot luck, eh? If you have any letters or messages for your representative bring them along. We intend to have someone video statements to your legislator also.

2. The debate between Senator Colbeck and Senator Hertel will take place in the Senate Appropriations Room on the 3rd floor of the Capital Building from 1:30 to 2:15. It is just a short walk from the church across the street to the Capital.

Recap: Noon - background briefing at the Central UMC; 1:30 pm debate on 3rd floor of the Capital.

Hope to see you Tuesday in Lansing. Get informed; send a message. Be a patriot!

Organized and brought together by just a group of your fellow citizens who want to give you a chance to make yourself heard in Lansing.

No progressives were injured by 'micro-aggression' or had their feelings hurt in the preparation of this message.


Challenge accepted: Michigan Senators to debate road funding, fuel taxes in public forum

Clinton, Carson top Michigan fundraising race: See how much each presidential campaign pulled in

Teacher evaluation proposal sails through Michigan House after 'huge improvements'

Income tax debate at heart of latest Michigan road funding stalemate

$88M Capitol Welcome Center announced

On top of spending $50 million for a better view of the Capitol for the Senate, we need to spend ANOTHER $88 million for underground parking for our legislators and a welcome center. Along with asking for $2 BILLION in May AND being $450 million dollars short for this years budget.

More info HERE

NEW ELECTION TOOL for Liberty, Patriot, and Conservatives!!

Voter Information Network SUPERPAC

Great to see these signs in SW Michigan!

How Will Your State Fare in the Obamacare Exchanges?

Source Report: How Will You Fare in the Obamacare Exchanges?

View original post here:
1st Michigan Tea Party Alliance Homepage