Afghan govt cabinet committee gives nod to inclusion of mother`s name on national ID cards – WION

Afghanistan government's cabinet committee okayed inclusion of mother's name on national identity cards of the country that is battling the deep-rooted misogyny in its society. Afghan cabinet's legal committee has made a proposal to amend the census law so that mother's name can be included in the national identity card of a person.

The proposal needs approval from the Afghan Parliament and assent of Afghan President, it is expected that these steps will not take much time.

Patriarchal set up still defines Afghan society and women are almost always represented with respect to men in thge family. The thought runs so deep that even graves of women has her identity described in relation with men in the family.

Although nod by Afghan cabinet committee is a small step in the right direction, fate of women's rights is coming in question as power sharing deals go on between the Afghan Government and Taliban.

During Taliban rule, unimaginable limitations were imposed on women in all areas of life, Be it personal, social, marital or any conduct, women in Afghanistan were forced to adhere to draconian edicts defined by teh Taliban. Those found 'flouting' rules were subjeted to horrific punishments that even included public executions.

Afghanistan has not even had a census from the 1970s. The national ID card is a step in that direction.

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Afghan govt cabinet committee gives nod to inclusion of mother`s name on national ID cards - WION

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