‘Azerbaijan Plays Vital Role in Restoring Peace, Stability in Afghanistan’ – Sputnik International

Asia & Pacific

10:50 17.03.2017(updated 10:51 17.03.2017) Get short URL

BAKU (Sputnik) Azerbaijan has always played an important role inrestoring peace and stability inAfghanistan, Afghan Deputy Foreign Minister Hekmat Khalil Karzai said Friday inBaku ata session ofthe Heart ofAsia Istanbul Process regional conference.

"Azerbaijan plays a vital role inrestoring peace and stability inAfghanistan. As one ofthe key countries inthe Heart ofAsia format ofIstanbul Process and Afghanistan's close partner, Azerbaijan has supported this process and continues toplay an essential role inefforts related todifferent spheres," Karzai said.

The deputy foreign minister expressed hope that the next session ofthe Heart ofAsia Istanbul Process conference, planned totake place atthe level offoreign ministers inBaku soon, will have positive results interms ofrestoring Afghanistan's infrastructure and further efforts concerning peacekeeping.

Afghanistan is ina state ofpolitical and social turmoil, withgovernment forces fighting the continuing Taliban insurgency. The instability has persisted inthe country sincethe 2001 US-led invasion todefeat the Taliban and al-Qaeda inthe wake ofthe 9/11 attacks inthe United States.

The lack ofcontrol and instability turned the country intohome tothe largest opium poppy production and distribution network inthe world.

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'Azerbaijan Plays Vital Role in Restoring Peace, Stability in Afghanistan' - Sputnik International

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