In Afghanistan, Taliban kidnapped & executed around 500 ex …

Ever since the Taliban took control of Afghanistan in August last year, the extremist regime has faced global chastisement over the persistent human rights abuse and the atrocities against civilians in the war-torn country. The latestreport suggests thatthe Taliban murdered or kidnapped over 500 former Afghan politicians, military personneland others suspected of working with the US. After the Taliban seized control of Afghanistan in August, following the complete pullout of US troops, a New York Times investigation discovered that about 500 former state officials and military personnel were either murdered or disappeared within six months of the extremists' resurgence.

The publication revealed 86 fatalities in Baghlan Province alone, with 114 people missing in Kandahar Province. The investigation suggests thatthe Taliban is using the amnesty as bait to entice soldiers to come out of hiding. A formerAfghan military commander spoke about his experience under the Taliban's detainment, stating thathe was taken to a police station. He further claimed that they started by askinga few questions because of the amnesty, however, soon, they began beating him, stating that the commanderfought against the Taliban for many years and killed so many of them.

According to ANI, The commander further noted that he was certain that the Taliban would kill him at some point, but somehow he survived. He went on and said thatbrutalities like these are still happening today in the country. However,Taliban officialshave refuted such claims, saying that it is a propaganda tool used by their opponents in order to distort the world's opinionabout the Taliban.

There was a seven-month investigation, employing a variety of ways to verify the data, including forensic video investigations, local media reports, and interviews with survivors, witnessesand family members of the victims, according to Sputnik. Since the collapse of the Afghan government and the Taliban's return to power in August of last year, the situation in Afghanistan has gotten worse. Thousands of Afghans have fled the nation, scared of Taliban retaliation and severe human rights violations.

Meanwhile, Afghanistan's opposition, the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan (NRFA) has initiated a new wave of strikes on the Taliban, as it continues to scale up its operations against the extremists. Sources suggest thatNRFA fighters are launching repeated guerrilla strikes against the Taliban in Baghlan province's Panjshir and Andarab Valley, plainly attempting to overthrow the extremist regime.

Image: AP

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In Afghanistan, Taliban kidnapped & executed around 500 ex ...

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