Leveraging Urbanization in Afghanistan – World Bank Group


Although they have made progress, South Asian countries have struggled to make the most of the opportunity urbanization provides them to transform their economies to join the ranks of richer nations in both prosperity and livability, according to a new World Bank report Leveraging Urbanization in South Asia: Managing Spatial Transformation for Prosperity and Livability.

Difficulty in dealing with the pressures that urban populations put on infrastructure, basic services, land, housing and the environment lie at the heart of the relative lack of livability of the regions cities. That fosters what the report calls messy and hidden urbanization that constrains the concentration of economic activity that could bring about faster improvements in prosperity.

Here are 10 key findings for Afghanistan made in the report:

For more information on the report go to: http://www.worldbank.org/southasiacities

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Leveraging Urbanization in Afghanistan - World Bank Group

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