Save the Children’s Response in Afghanistan – Afghanistan – ReliefWeb

The risk of armed conflict remains low; however, the declining economic situation continues to drive criminality.The de-facto authorities carried out door to door search operations in February, including at NGO compounds,in a claimed attempt to seek out criminal activity.

Public universities reopened in February for both male and female students. The Ministry of Education alsoannounced that girls will be returning to secondary schools at the end of March, after more than six months of girlsbeing forced out of school.

8 polio health workers were killed at the end of February in Kunduz and Takhar provinces, forcing thesuspension of the vaccination campaign in these provinces. This suspension leaves thousands of childrenunprotected and exposed to a life-threatening disease.

Two thirds of the population are resorting to crisis-level coping strategies to feed themselves, like skipping mealsand pulling children out of school to work. An estimated 1 million children are engaged in child labour currently.

$1 billion is set to be released from the ARTF to UN and INGO agencies to fund education agriculture, healthand family programs in Afghanistan. $280m was already released from this fund to WFP and UNICEF at the endof 2021. At the beginning of February, the US also announced the release of half of Afghanistans $7billionfrozen assets. The other half will remain available pending legal litigation related to 9/11 victims.

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Save the Children's Response in Afghanistan - Afghanistan - ReliefWeb

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