Sen. Risch: Biden administration is ‘delusional’ on Afghanistan and ‘out of step with the American people’ – Fox News

Senator James Risch weighed in on Secretary of State Antony Blinken's testimony on Afghanistan on Special Report, and reacted to President Biden's sound being cut off when asked questions from the media.

SENATOR JAMES RISCH:Well, you know, theyvebeen all over the board on thisthingbut theyre really delusional on it.Theyre out of step with theAmerican people.The vast majority of theAmerican people watched thisunfold.What you just saw was astatement from the Democratchairman of that committeecalling this a colossal failure. It clearly was.It's a debacle.It was an embarrassment.It was all those things and we wanted answers as to whowas making the who was makingthe decisions and who was makingthe calls on it.We didnt get very much in thatregard, but the takeaway is thatthere as was said here, theyre patting themselves on theback on what great job is done.Look, I was privy to thediscussions about this in thelast administration. Certainly, not in thisadministrationand theres some basics theydidnt follow.Look, you evacuate the countryfirst. Then you give up thecountry.You dont give up the countryand then try to evacuate it orwhat you saw is what you get.

Well, I think all of us have seen this administration and compared it to prior administrations. Whether you like it or not, you wind up comparing it. And for whatever reason, from time to time, his is his sound is cut off, whether he's in the White House or in other places. Sometimes he's hustled off of the stage where we can't or the media can't get answers. Somebody needs to be in charge now.


The rest is here:
Sen. Risch: Biden administration is 'delusional' on Afghanistan and 'out of step with the American people' - Fox News

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