Team Biden tries to erase the tens of thousands we left behind in Afghanistan – New York Post

The Biden administration is doing its best to pretend thousands of green-card holders, legal US residents, didnt get left behind in Afghanistan and is even quieter on the fate of the far larger number of Americas Afghan allies.

Fox News foreign correspondent Trey Yingst warns that the State Department is underestimating the number of legal permanent residents trapped in Afghanistan, noting Monday that a senior State official claimed that around 100 US citizens and legal residents are still waiting to get out, when Yingst noted, Ive personally met dozens.

Indeed, independent estimates put the total of green-card holders in the thousands before US forces bugged out at the end of August, and State doesnt claim more than a few hundred made it out.

Not to mention the tens of thousands of Afghans who could qualify for Special Immigrant Visas, since they publicly supported US forces over the last two decades and are now targets for Taliban vengeance.

So much for President Joe Bidens vow of Aug. 20, Were making the same commitment to Afghan allies to evacuate them along with US citizens and legal residents. After the bugout, the administration basically stopped talking about these people, instead only giving totals of citizens (and, sometimes, of legal residents) evacuated by the Qataris and independent groups.

This mans word is worthless.

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Team Biden tries to erase the tens of thousands we left behind in Afghanistan - New York Post

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