War hero blown up in Afghanistan dies 12 years later as ‘body couldn’t take more pain’ – Mirror Online

A war hero has died 12 years after being blown up in Afghanistan.

Corporal Davey Timmins, 39, lost an eye and suffered brain damage in Helmand in 2009.

Doctors gave him 24 hours to live but he recovered and won the Queens Gallantry Medal in 2010.

But he developed PTSD and was discharged that year.

After years of illness he died in his sleep at his parents home in Barrhead, Scotland.

Mum Cathy, 67, a retired health worker, said: We wont know what Davey died from until there is a postmortem.

But I think his body could no longer cope with the mental trauma and physical pain.

"He took 14 tablets twice a day.

I dont want to speak badly of the Army but once he was medically discharged he got no help whatsoever.

"None of those soldiers who need help get it.

Twice-married dad Davey, a bomb disposal expert, joined the Royal Logistic Corps in 1999.

The Sunday People is campaigning for better treatment for mentally scarred veterans.

The Ministry of Defence said it took veterans health extremely seriously and will respond accordingly to the coroners report.

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War hero blown up in Afghanistan dies 12 years later as 'body couldn't take more pain' - Mirror Online

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