Activist Reverend Al Sharpton Tells Maria Menounos' Black Hollywood Live Network that Ebola Media Coverage has Been …

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) October 23, 2014

Leaders, influencers and mentees gathered from all around the world to salute the great Reverend Al Sharpton at his 60th birthday party. Sharpton's birthday also coincided with the National Action Network's African American Vanguard Awards.

Sharpton graced the carpet with boldness and immediately jumped into his concerns with upcoming elections, as well as, the Ebola breakout. " We are seeing them chip away at voting rights. If the right wing takes the senate, we will not be able to confirm the attorney general. We will not be able to confirm any of the Presidents nominations, we will not be able to maintain the healthcare, and they will try to impeach the President for no reason, so this is a vital election," said Sharpton.

When asked about his thoughts regarding the Eloba situation and the coverage in the media, Shartpton says, " I think the media has been hysterical, rather than informative."

Sharpton continues, "I think that it is certainly disappointing when you see two nurses having to be flown out of Dallas. Where was the preparation? Where was the training? Why did we neglect it so long? Where was the pending emergency and urgency of the matter? Was it because it was in West Africa? I think we thought it was a West African problem and now it is a global problem. I think that we have learned that you cannot have a global village and only be concerned with one part of the globe, now it is on our shoulders."

Previously, the panel members of Black Hollywood Live's Black Tea Party discussed Sharptons decision to support the CAIR organization, an organization undergoing investigations over terrorist allegations. Sharpton addressed his stance. "They have denounced any form of radical violence and I think it's important that we don't judge any group or religion or sector by the extremities in any group, so thats why I wanted to stand with those that would stand against extremism in their own faith."

Sharpton left the spotlight in gratitude for the gathering and expressed his hope to continue working for Civil Rights issues. "Well you know I started in Civil Rights very young, so, I never thought I'd get to 60," He then jokingly said: "So this is a celebration and continuation."

To catch more of the interview, check out Black Hollywood Live on YouTube and ITunes. And for your weekly political round-up, tune into The Black Tea Party steaming live every Friday at 7pm on


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Activist Reverend Al Sharpton Tells Maria Menounos' Black Hollywood Live Network that Ebola Media Coverage has Been ...

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