Al Sharpton Claims He Has Been Receiving Death Threats Since Two NYC Cops Were Killed

The Rev. Al Sharpton claims he has received death threats since New York City police officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos were killed execution-style by an alleged gang member who announced on Instagram he was planning to kill cops to avenge the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown.

Standing beside Garner's wife and mother, Sharpton reportedly played a voicemail for reporters in which someone could be heard making racist remarks toward him and threatening his life, reports the New York Post.

Hey, n****r, stop killing innocent people, Im going to get you! the voice on the recording reportedly says. The voice also used the F-word three times, and this was broadcast live on television news reports.

Sharpton told reporters that call was only one of many he has received.

I have several like this," Sharpton told the Staten Island Advance. We are now under intense threat from those that are misguided, by those that are trying to blame everyone from civil rights leaders to the mayor rather than deal with an ugly spirit that all of us need to fight.

Sharpton further angered many people by chastising those who are blaming New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio for allegedly not doing enough to curb violence against the police.

To blame the mayor and others is not what we need, Sharpton said. The blame game will only lead to further kinds of venom and further division.

Garners mother, Gwen Carr, and wife Esaw Garner condemned the killings of two police officers in Garners name and made it clear that they do not support an anti-police sentimentality.

Anyone that is standing beside us, we want you to not use Eric Garners name for violence because we are not about that, Carr told the The Washington Times. These two police officers lost their lives senselessly, and our condolence[s are] with the family, and we stand with the family.

Garner added, My husband was not a violent man, and we dont want any violence connected to his name, thank you.

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Al Sharpton Claims He Has Been Receiving Death Threats Since Two NYC Cops Were Killed

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