Al Sharpton is angry his taxes pay for Jefferson Memorial then Twitter hits him with brutal fact check –

In the debate on the place of confederate statues in American society, liberal political commentator Al Sharpton is firmly on the side of: absolutely nowhere.

He made that abundantly clear during a recent interview with PBS Charlie Rose.

During his interview with Rose, Sharpton said that he doesnt want his tax dollars to support monuments honoring even men who owned slaves. Specifically, he mentioned the monstrous Thomas Jefferson memorial in Washington D.C.

This is personal to us. My great grandfather was a slave in South Carolina, Sharpton said. People need to understand that people were enslaved.

Because his family was a victim of slavery, Sharpton said his tax dollars shouldnt be forced to support an image of what he feels is oppression.

Public monuments [to people like Jefferson] are supported by public funds, Sharpton said. Youre asking me to subsidize the insult to my family.

Instead of placing them prominently in society, Sharpton suggested the monuments be placed in private museums.

After the interview aired, people were quick to point out the hypocrisy of Sharptons comments. He doesnt want his money to go to these monuments, yet he is notoriously known for owing millions to the Internal Revenue Service.

How can he complain when he doesnt pay his taxes?

Its understandable to not want your hard-earned money to support things that you dont agree with or support. But its a bit rich coming from Sharpton who, after all, advocates the taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood, the nations largest provider of abortions.

Double standard much, Al?

Al Sharpton is angry his taxes pay for Jefferson Memorial then Twitter hits him with brutal fact check -

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