Allen West: Unconscionable for Al Sharpton to Help Choose Holder Replacement

During an appearance on Fox & Friends this morning, Allen West spent plenty of time critiquing the legacy of retiring Attorney General Eric Holder, but saved most of his anger for Al Sharpton, who claimed yesterday that he and his organization would be playing a role in the nomination process for Holders replacement.

Its unconscionable that Al Sharpton has this level of influence with the White House, West said, pointing out that Sharpton was also a media commentator. And everyone knows his history, so he has no credibility whatsoever.

To be able to make a statement like that, and also be on a news network, thats very concerning, he added.

When prodded to name a potential replacement, West thought that Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick (D) another activist would be an appropriate Obama pick. (Patrick removed his hat from the ring yesterday.)

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Allen West: Unconscionable for Al Sharpton to Help Choose Holder Replacement

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