Concha slams Al Sharpton for urging Biden to give Harris ‘more positions of power’ amid border crisis – Fox News

MSNBC star Al Sharpton faced backlash Wednesday for urging President Biden to use Vice President Kamala Harris "more effectively," saying in an interview that he thinks the president should widen the scope of her responsibilities and offer her "more positions of power."

Sharpton, in an interview with "The Root," detailed a plan to meet with the president to discuss Harris' "assignments."

"We want her to have a strong position, not marginal positions," Sharpton said. "I think that he did the right thing giving her voting, but I think he should continue to give her more positions of power."


Fox News contributor Joe Concha scoffed at the suggestion in an appearance on "Fox News Primetime" Wednesday, arguing that Harris should first address the mounting border crisis before broadening her workload.

"Just spitballing here, shouldnt the vice president showshe could do one job well before[she is] given more jobs in thissituation?" Concha asked.

Vice President Kamala Harris.

"23% of Americans approveof the way the crisis that is acatastrophe is being handled atthe Southern border,"he remarked. "You will never guess who was putin charge of thatitsKamala Harris.

"We see itfirsthand," Concha continued. "You have spokento Border Patrol and hear thesame thing.'we are getting no help fromWashington.The president and V.P. do notcare' yet here is Sharpton saying give hermore responsibility.

Conchawondered whether Harris's next role would include the formation of a crime task force.

The Rev. Al Sharpton, right, introduces Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden at the National Action Network South Carolina Ministers' Breakfast, Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2020, in North Charleston, S.C. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

"How doesthat sound to reverseskyrocketing violent crime inAmerican cities?"he asked. "Thats right, she advocated abail fund for rioters inMinneapolis.One man who got out has sincebeen charged with murder, so I guess thats out."


Concha noted that Harris who has not done aone-on-one interview with anymajor entity in nearly 140 days,has gone "completely MIA" as the administration faces a barrage of crises.

"She is as visible atthis point as Michael Avenattithese days," he said. "So, yeah, the reverend thinksshes should have moreresponsibility?I dont think so."

See the article here:
Concha slams Al Sharpton for urging Biden to give Harris 'more positions of power' amid border crisis - Fox News

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