Rev. Al Sharpton? | Yahoo Answers

I think as the inheritor of Jesse Jackson's mantle as President of Black America that ol' Rev. Al has taken on some of Jesse's less savory practices.

For instance, they both are experts at shaking down corporations by threatening boycotts, marches, etc. if the corp.s don't do what they're told; that is, do a little of this and a little of that and, oh, by the way, make a "contribution" to the organization of which I just happen to be the head. In Jackson's case that would be The Rainbow Coalition. I don't know what ol' Rev. Al calls his gang.

Ol' Al is about as much a Reverend as I am. He's nothing more than a "colorful" shakedown artist that the press is happy to put on the screen from time-to-time 'cause he's good for ratings. I'd just love to see a list of his actual, meaningful accomplishments - I wonder if there are any at all.

And if you ever see ol' Rev. Al, tell him Fast Eddie B says "How's Tawana Brawley doin', Rev.?" and then duck real quick 'cause I hear the boy has a mean left hook. That should REALLY make his day!

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Rev. Al Sharpton? | Yahoo Answers

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