Rev. Sharpton renews call for McCullochs removal from Michael Brown case

FERGUSON, MO (KTVI)-The National Action Network, which was founded by Reverend Al Sharpton to peacefully advocate for civil rights, is sponsoring Justice for Michael Brown weekend this weekend in St. Louis. The four day event is meant to symbolize the four hours Michael Browns body remained in the street after his death.

One of those events is a Halloween giveaway Friday evening at St. Marks church where all the rest of the weekends events will be held.

The first event was held Friday morning in the city of St. Louis. The Leadership Breakfast included an appearance by Reverend Sharpton himself. Community leaders and young people got together to talk about the need for ongoing but non-violent protests to keep people engaged as the Michael Brown case continues through the justice system.

Michael Browns parents also attended that breakfast.

After his speech, Rev. Sharpton told reporters recent leaks about the grand jury proceedings are eroding the credibility of the process.

I would ask the prosecuting attorney to turn over the case to the federal prosecutors and to say that the grand jury is tainted. The confidence of the family has been shattered. As they said from the beginning. And he should turn this over to the federal government and lets have a fair and impartial grand jury.

Lesley McSpadden, Michael Browns mother, said, Be peaceful with your protesting. Keep supporting us and keep praying for us and we will get the justice we are waiting on. Thats all I have to say.

With regard to Reverend Sharptons call for a federal prosecutor, keep in mind there is a parallel federal investigation underway and that some of the leaks have come from someone involved at the federal level.

In the meantime, St. Louis County prosecutor Bob McCulloch repeated his pledge to release all the evidence presented to the grand jury if the members decide not to indict Officer Darren Wilson, who shot Brown on August 9.

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Rev. Sharpton renews call for McCullochs removal from Michael Brown case

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