Sharpton: Justice will come to Ferguson

On Sunday, Reverend Al Sharpton preached at the same St. Louis church where Michael Brown's funeral service was held. Sharpton said officer Darren Wilson's resignation was not the objective in finding justice for the shooting death of Brown. (AP)

ST. LOUIS The Rev. Al Sharpton delivered an electrifying 50-minute address part protest message, part sermon to a congregation of several hundred Sunday morning at Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church in St. Louis. Michael Browns mother, Lesley McSpadden, and his father, Michael Brown Sr., sat in the front row with several other family members.

We lost the round, but the fight aint over, Sharpton said, referring to the decision of a grand jury not to indict Officer Darren Wilson for fatally shooting Brown on Aug. 9. You won the first round, Mr. Prosecutor, but dont cut your gloves off, because the fight is not over. Justice will come to Ferguson!

God works in mysterious ways, Sharpton said. The activist, preacher and television commentator said he found bits of evidence in the grand jury transcript that might help the cause of those who think the failure to indict was a mistake. For example, according to Sharpton, the record showed that Wilson prejudged Brown by characterizing his neighborhood as an unsavory area. And it showed Wilson wasnt looking for the suspect who robbed cigarillos from a liquor store.

All youve got to do is read the transcript, Sharpton said. Better yet, let a federal grand jury read the transcript.

Referring to the family members, Sharpton said: You cant heal [while] leaving the injured out of the process. The afflicted is the family that remains with open wounds.

He discounted Wilsons resignation from the police force Saturday: It was not about Darren Wilsons job. It was about Michael Browns justice.

We are not anti-police, Sharpton said. If our children are wrong, arrest them. Dont empty your gun and act like you had no other way.

He urged the congregation to join peaceful protests if they havent already, and he chided those who burned and looted in Ferguson and neighboring communities Monday night after the grand jury announcement. Dont confuse them with the young folk who are standing up and marching, and the old folk, Sharpton said. They are the true patriots in this country, because they are asking for the system to correct itself.

He continued: God is going to use Michael to lead this nation to deal with police accountability. . . . Michael, they are going to know your name because youre going to change the music of how policing is done in this country.

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Sharpton: Justice will come to Ferguson

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