Sharpton visits Riverdale church, encourages residents to vote

Rev. Al Sharpton visited the Center of Hope Ministry in Riverdale to encourage residents to get out and vote for MARTA. (Staff Photo: Heather Middleton)

RIVERDALE Rev. Al Sharpton visited the Center of Hope Ministry Tuesday to encourage Clayton County residents to get out and vote.

Sharpton was joined by some of Claytons politico including county commission Chairman Jeff Turner, Riverdale Councilman Ancel Davis, College Park Mayor Pro Tem Joe Carn and state Sen. Gail Davenport. It was Sharptons second appearance in Clayton Tuesday, a week ahead of Election Day.

If we dont vote, we dont count, Sharpton told the crowd. People died for our right to vote. Somebody died to give you the right to vote.

He said there should be no excuses not to cast a ballot because of early voting and Sunday voting.

Davenport said the vote is historic and that people all over the nation are looking at Clayton County to make sure MARTA comes to the county.

She echoed Sharptons push to vote.

If youve already voted (early) then take someone out to the polls, said Davenport.

Turner said there is power in the vote and power in the penny.

Educate yourself on the issues and vote for those people who are going to make a difference in your lives, he said.

More here:
Sharpton visits Riverdale church, encourages residents to vote

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