'SNL' Cold Open Takes on Eric Garner Decision

Al Sharpton had a lot to say about the Eric Garner decision on this week's Saturday Night Live cold open.

Sharpton (Kenan Thompson) explained that the uproar over the grand jury's decision to not indict the police officer who killed Garner has led the public to finally take Sharpton's criticism of the legal system seriously.

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"This must be what it feels like to be Beyonce," Sharpton said.

Sharpton then invited a guest onto the show, only to not let him speak. A second guest toldSharptonthat the the footage of Garner getting choked should have been filmed diagonally: "It's just more cinematic that way."

Read moreEric Garner Decision: Protesters March on Hollywood Blvd.

Finally, Sharpton showed the viral photo of the Portland cop who was, as Sharpton put it, "hugging a youngPharell Williams."

Host James Franco did not appear in the sketch. We will post video as soon as it becomes available. The episode's full recap can be seen here.

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'SNL' Cold Open Takes on Eric Garner Decision

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