Youth protesters push back against Al Sharpton's role in police brutality marches

The Rev. Al Sharpton speaks during a news conference on Nov. 19 in New York.

Image: Julie Jacobson/Associated Press

By Colin Daileda2014-12-15 04:13:35 UTC

If Rev. Al Sharpton ever hoped to lead the "black lives matter" movement that's sweeping the United States, he likely lost that opportunity in one moment on Saturday.

The moment came during the "Justice For All" march in Washington, D.C., which was organized by Sharpton's National Action Network. The group had a set list of speakers, but Johnetta Elzie, who said she had been tear-gassed while protesting in Ferguson, Missouri where the movement originated after the killing of a black teenager by a white police officer wanted the microphone.

Young people had led the protest marches from the beginning, Elzie later argued, so they should be given a voice. But when Elzie known as @nettaaaaaaaa on Twitter finally began talking, march organizers cut the mic.

She eventually got to speak for a short few seconds. But by then, Sharpton and NAN had lost much of the support young protesters might have given them, and you can hear it in her voice.

After that, the dam broke, and young members of the movement railed against Sharpton's "corporate" approach to activism, and the lack of passion in the crowd at the Justice For All March, especially when compared to other protests that have flared up across the country.

Young protesters were also not pleased with the idea of a VIP section at a protest ostensibly designed for the populace.

It's not that many of the younger protesters didn't believe the older generation should have a say. They were often quick to clarify that the participation of all generations is significant. But they didn't understand nor appreciate being told to pass the baton to Sharpton and a pre-ordained leadership who could "take it from here," so to speak.

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Youth protesters push back against Al Sharpton's role in police brutality marches

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