‘Alt-Right’ Sticks With Trump Despite ‘Jewish Coup’ – Forward

President Trumps Thursday bombing of Afghanistan, just a week after an airstrike on Syria, is again challenging his alt-right and white nationalist fans.

Some of the far right-wingers see the moves as evidence of a full Jewish coup sweeping the White House and are even portraying Trump himself as a sort of victim.

All around him are these Jewish extremists like Kushner, said David Duke, referring to Jared Kushner, Trumps son-in-law. Duke is a former Ku Klux Klan head and sort of elder statesman for white nationalists. Trump might not even know half the things they do.

Duke, who has been an avid Trump supported urged the president to fend off this Jewish coup which Duke saw as leading the country to war, but stopped just short of fully condemnding Trump.

If we totally abandon Trump, say he has to get impeached, who are we going to get in turn? Duke asked. Mike Pence? Hes the biggest cuck in the world.

Cuck is the shortened version of cuckservative, a racially and sexually charged neologism that was popularized by far-right supporters to deride conservatives who supposedly abandoned their true values.

Trump had a populist vision, but lacked an infrastructure to carry it out. Hes had to turn to all the same failed people and ideas, wrote Richard Spencer, the white nationalists who helped popularize the term alt-right.

One fundamental problem of Trumpism is not so much Trump himself but Conservatism, Spencer wrote on Twitter.

Spencer stopped just short of fully condemning Trump last week.

Mike Cernovich, the right-wing blogger who moves in the alt-right orbit said he would not be turning on Trump though he was opposed to what he described as the globalist inner circle which threatens Trump.

In a Friday episode of Inforwars, the right-wing conspiracy site, Cernovich discussed his disappointment with the programs host Alex Jones. Jones has been another outspoken Trump fan, but has also slightly tempered his tone.

Jones sought to cast Trumps shift in some policies as the moves of a hard negotiator not as someone who had betrayed his base.

Cernovich agreed with this characterization and said that it was similar to how some in the alt-right orbit might be pushing back against Trump right now.

The same way that you and I are pushing back against the ground war in Syria. It doesnt mean that we flip-flopped, it doesnt mean that we oppose Trump, Cernovich said. Were just saying, hey there is a negotiation going on too, even between us and the president of the United States that is how adults behave.

Jones agreed, urging viewers to not totally abandon Trump. He said that would be a childish move. By leaving the sandbox, youre not even in the game, Jones said.

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'Alt-Right' Sticks With Trump Despite 'Jewish Coup' - Forward

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