Alt-Right Trolls Lash Out At Laura Loomer After Profile – Forward

Laura Loomer

Laura Loomer put a burqa on the Fearless Girl statue in New Yorks Financial District during the March Against Sharia on June 10th.

Far right media activist Laura Loomer this morning, she has been the target of vicious anti-Semitic posts on social media since Forward published a profile of her Friday morning.

Synagogue of Satan. You are fake Jews, wrote @BrydensFunny.

Go back to Israel you filthy kike, wrote Leah Goldstein. (Twitter handle: @JewessGoyim.)

Goldstein? You sound like a member of the tribe to me! Mashugana! Loomer tweeted in response.

Though she tries to maintain a sense of humor about it online, Loomer acknowledges that dealing with the flood of anti-Semitic comments and imagery on Twitter is really hard to deal with.

Its insane, Loomer wrote in a text Friday.

Contact Ari Feldman at or on Twitter @aefeldman.

See the original post:
Alt-Right Trolls Lash Out At Laura Loomer After Profile - Forward

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