Anthony Scaramucci lashes out at Steve Bannon, calls him alt-right – Salon

AnthonyScaramucci, the former hedge fund manager who very briefly served as the White House communications director, is continuing his feud against President Donald Trumps top adviser Steve Bannon. The man known as The Mooch is essentially blaming the ex-Breitbart News CEO for the controversy thats surrounded the president for his weekend-long refusalto denounce white nationalists after one was accused of murdering a woman with his car over the weekend.

In a Sunday interview with ABC News, Scaramucci essentially called Bannon a member of the white supremacistalt-right movement. He also accused Bannon of tolerating racists, an offense which Scaramucci deemed inexcusable.

There are elements of the alt-right I mean people are not going to like me saying this there are elements of the alt-right that I think have actually been quite beneficial, Scaramucci said in an effort to damn Bannon with faint praise as he called the former Breitbart News chief a great speech writer.

Later on in the interview, Scaramucci slightly backed off on his accusation.

Ive never sat down with Steve Bannon and said, Hey are you a white nationalist or a white supremacist? But I think the toleration of it by Steve Bannon is inexcusable, he said.

Scaramucci argued that Trump should have been more vocal in condemning racism in light of the neo-fascist rally in Charlottesville, Va., which resulted inthree deaths.

He needed to be way tougher with the white supremacists thing. Anybody that has experienced any level ofracism, any level of prejudice, knows that this is disgusting. Its un-American and it cannot be tolerated, he said.

Scaramucci was fired last month afteronly 10days on the jobafter New Yorker writer Ryan Lizza reported on an on-the-record conversation that the two had in which Scaramucci used vulgarities to criticize Bannon and other Trump figures.

In his ABC interview, the former communications director also accused Bannon of leaking confidential information to reporters.

Thepresident has a very good idea of who the leakers are inside the White House. The president has a very good idea of the people who are undermining his agenda that are serving their own interests, hesaid.

Scaramucci, who supported Democrats before flipping to Trump shortly before the 2016 election, also urged the president to move toward the center with his policies.

Hes got to move more into the mainstream. Hes got to be more into where the moderates are and the independents that love the president, so if he does that hell have a very successful legislative agenda, the former communications director said, calling the nationalist-oriented Trump wing of the party a snag on the president.

Bannons former employees at Breitbart News responded sharply to Scaramuccis criticism running an article headlined Anthony blows whatever was left of his credibility with Trumps base. In the piece, written by political editor Matthew Boyle, the site accused Scaramucci of being a turncoat.

The tune he is singing now is in almost every way exactly the opposite of what he was saying just a few weeks ago, during the beginning of his brief tenure as White House communication director, Boyle wrote.

See the rest here:
Anthony Scaramucci lashes out at Steve Bannon, calls him alt-right - Salon

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