Aug. 21 Letters: Start calling the ‘alt-right’ what they are – The Mercury News

Stop saying alt-right. Call them what they are:racists, Nazis,whitesupremacists, vile and divisive people. We cannot soften hate.

The good news isDonald Trumphas finally shown us his true colors. The bad news is he has shown us his true colors.There is no morality in his soul.In spite of growing up during the civil rights movement, when people died in sit-ins and marches, he found no moral high ground in that fight.

We need to speak the truth about Charlottesville and theracists, neo-Nazis and white supremacists coming to San Francisco and Berkeley this month. We need to be there to show our support for good, equality and justice. And we need to call them what they are.

Nanci Viera San Jose

As someone who has served in U.S. Army and studied military history all my life, I cannot let someone write something so ridiculous defending Gen. Robert E. Lee (Letters, Aug. 17). Like Germanys Gen. Erwin Rommel, Lee led armies that imposed racist and murderous war. Neither deserves to be treated with honor.

Vic DiEleanora San Bruno

I did not find President Trumps comments at all offensive.Trump was right on assigning blame to both sides.He strongly condemnedviolence, and he was wise to wait until he had all the facts before calling outby name. He is absolutely for law and order.

Why do people and news continually bash Trump? Why keep opposing the will of the people? What is placing the country in grave danger is not Trump, but it is the likes of people such as Rep Jackie Speier, the Bay Area Democratand others who portray him as unfit for office.

Deanna Method Campbell

Removing Confederate statues does not erase history and does not promote understanding or learning of our U.S. history. It would be more beneficial to place historical perspective statements on each statue to explain, for example, that Gen. Robert E. Lee was a great soldier, etc., however, he fought against the unity of the United States. President George Washington was also a slave owner. There are good and bad sides to each person, living and dead. Why not turn a newly ripened urge to rid our country of Confederate statues into a positive, educational enlightenment of our historical figures for all to understand in accordance to todays thinking. It would also save money and probably lives.

Mimi McDonald San Jose

Just as Mel Cottons sign will live on with History San Jose,,so should Confederate statues live on in a national, designatedmonument/museum dedicated to slavery, the Civil War, and the civil rights movement. The United States Holocaust MemorialMuseum need not stand alone. Lets add to it the United StatesNational Slavery Museum. (And, if we want to take it one step further, how about a United States Indigenous Peoples Memorial Museum also?)

Jeannette Schreiber San Jose

Concerning the traitor leaders of the Confederacy and the treasonous image of the Confederate flag, people should also look at the American flag and the patriots that formed this country in the same way. Both tried to break away/secede from a country that they did not feel reflected their values, right or wrong. The difference is that the colonists won their war. To the victor belongs the spoils. Its easy to pass judgment hundreds of years later.

Tom Simpson San Jose

Donald Trump has hastily accused those interested in removing Confederate monuments as revisionist intending to change history. He fails, again, to take responsibility for his many blatant attempts to eradicate President Obamas legacy, and to have lead the effort to delegitimize the birth of President Obama.The arrogance and shamelessness of Trump is beyond outrageous. It is criminal.

Blanca Alvarado Former member, Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors

Californias SB 10 is a morally right piece of bail reform legislation that will keep citizens safe and create a more equitable justice system that ensures everyone has access to justice and freedom. We cannot continue with the present system where more than 60 percent of people in jail are awaiting trial, costing taxpayers more than $5 million a day.

Vida Moattar Larkspur

Aug. 21 Letters: Start calling the 'alt-right' what they are - The Mercury News

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