Can You Tell Which of These Alt-Right Personalities Are Fake? – VICE

In the months since Donald Trump was elected president, the alt-right has gone from being an amorphous group of incorrigible shitposters to an amorphous group of incorrigible shitposters with a growing audience, a prominent place in the media ecosystem, and a bunch of intra-group feuds.

All of a sudden, a 4chan obsession, a hazy relationship with the truth, and an utter lack of shame are all that's required to become internet famous, and lesser-known alt-righters have seized upon the movement's instability, jockeying for media attention and attaboys from their God Emperor. For many of these people, no attention-grabbing antic is over the line, and no publicity is bad publicity.

Below are the profiles of some of the rising "stars" of the alt-right, as well as some people who don't actually exist, to see if you can tell the difference. Which are real, and which are fake news? Answers at the bottom.

All screencaps via YouTube

ANSWERS 1. REAL 2. REAL 3. FAKE - Photo actually of my friend Gille, who is not alt-right. 4. REAL 5. REAL 6. REAL 7. FAKE - Photo actually of my friend Arun, who is not alt-right. 8. FAKE - Photo actually of me, the author, and I'm not alt-right. 9. REAL 10. REAL 11. FAKE - Photo actually of my friend Max, who is not alt-right. 12. REAL 13. REAL

Continued here:
Can You Tell Which of These Alt-Right Personalities Are Fake? - VICE

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