Civil war talk takes on a life of its own as far-right extremists coalesce around the Boogaloo – AlterNet

The myths and conspiracy theories that fuel the radical right often take on lives of their own: Think of how the QAnon phenomenon began as a handful of conspiracy theorists making groundless claims and predictions about a coming Storm that metastasized first into a wildly popular body of Patriot/militia conspiracism, and finally into a massive submovement operating within the framework of the Trump presidencywhile producing a growing record of lethal violence by its unhinged believers.

Something similar appears to be coalescing around the boogaloothe vision of members of the far right ofa coming civil war, which they claim is being forced upon themby liberals who want to take their guns away as the first step towardtheir incarceration and enslavement. In reality, of course, a number of sectors of the far right have ginned up this kind of rhetoric for decadesbut now, a systematic study of its spread through social media has found that it appears to be massing into a movement of its own.

The study, conducted by the independent Network Contagion Research Institute, explores, according to its subtitle, how domestic militants organize on memes to incite violent insurrection and terror against government and law enforcement. It focused on the boogaloo in large part due its increasing popularityparticularly as a hashtag (#Boogaloo or #Boogaloo2020)on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, as well as the extreme and often callous expressions of violent intent that form the essence of the chatter.

In its initial forms, the civil war talk was generated in different sectors of the radical right in different ways. Among neo-Nazis, it generally has focused on a race wari.e., a genocidal conflict between whites and nonwhitesdating back to the 1980s and the classic white-supremacist blueprint, The Turner Diaries. This vein of rhetoric has produced a long record of lethal domestic terrorism, including the 1984 neo-Nazi criminal gang The Order; the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing; and more recently, the 2011 attack in Norway that killed 87 people and the 2019 Christchurch mosque attacks in New Zealand that killed 51.

Among the Patriot movement believers who form militias in resistance to the New World Order, most of the rhetoric has focused on using arms against law enforcement, particularly the federal kind, as well as the mythic blue-helmeted United Nations soldiers about to descend on them from black helicopters. In its more recent iterations among far-right Oath Keepers and III Percent militiamen, the boogaloo talk has mostly revolved around resistance to liberal gun-control legislation.

This reached its apotheosis in January when thousands of armed Patriots from around the United States descended on Richmond, Virginia, to protest imminent gun safetylegislation making its way through the states General Assembly. Before the rally, FBI agents arrested a trio of neo-Nazis who were preparing to open fire on law enforcement at the event.

However, one of the results of the broad emergence of popular boogaloo rhetoric has been a blurring of the lines between the anti-government extremists who foresee conflict with federal forces and the more extreme white supremacists who lust for a bloody conflict between the white and nonwhite races. While many of the latter also eagerly participate in the anti-government talk, many of the former appear to be warming up to the race-war talk.

The NCRI study found not only that the discussion of the boogaloo on social media had surged, but that discrete groups were coalescing around the discussion and creating the nascent forms of a movement. The boogaloo topic network produces a coherent, multi-component and detailed conspiracy to launch an inevitable, violent, sudden, and apocalyptic war across the homeland, it said, adding that the models created by researchers show that the meme acts as a meaningful vector to organize seditious sentiment at large.

The conspiracy, replete with suggestions to stockpile ammunition, may itself set the stage for massive real-world violence and sensitize enthusiasts to mobilize in mass for confrontations or charged political events. Furthermore, the memes emphasis on military language and culture poses a specific risk to military communities due to the similar thematic structure, fraternal organization, and reward incentives.

One of the boogaloo groups featured in the study, calling itself Patriot Wave, illustrated perfectly how the lines between militia Patriots and alt-right white nationalists were completely blurred and submerged in the larger project of fomenting a violent civil war. Its members wore alt-right Pepe the Frog patches with the title Boogaloo Boys, while others wore the skull balaclava generally associated with members of the fascist Atomwaffen Division.

The study also pointed to a particular area of concern: namely, the ability of these extremists to simply blend into existing power structures, including law enforcement and the military. One boogaloo enthusiast, Coast Guardsman Christopher Hasson, was arrested with a full arms cache and a plan to assassinate liberal political leaders. A Patriot Wave member is quoted in the study: Some of the guys we were with arent exactly out of the military yet, so they had to keep their faces covered.

The spread of the boogaloo organizing on social media has been facilitated with the use of hashtags #Boogaloo and #Boogaloo2020, which are then accompanied by associated hashtags such as #2A, #CivilWar2, and #2ndAmendment, as well as hashtags such as #BigIgloo, intended to elude filters.

This kind of informational conflictor what the study calls memetic warfarehas evolved, the study says, from mere lone-wolf threats to the threat of an entire meme-based insurgency.

The NCRI report was sent to members of Congress and the departments of Defense, Homeland Security, and Justice, among others. Paul Goldenberg, a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council, told NBC News Brandy Zadrozny that the report was a wake-up call.

When you have people talking about and planning sedition and violence against minorities, police and public officials, we need to take their words seriously, said Goldenberg.

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Civil war talk takes on a life of its own as far-right extremists coalesce around the Boogaloo - AlterNet

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