CPAC invites alt-right Milo Yiannopoulos to keynote for his hatred, disinvites him over pedophilia – Daily Kos

Yes, it turns out that the "liberals" who don't like alt-right "Milo" may have had a point. Why, maybe he isan odious human being who doesn't deserve a platform for spewing a constant stream of hate masquerading as "edgy" half-comedy. It turns out that a ideological platform no more substantive than liking whatever liberals don't like will, sooner or later, end up with you shaking hands with supporters of things like child rape. Go figure.

But note that Milo's support for anti-Semiteswasn't the thing that did him in. His advocacy for the nation's most prominent white supremacists wasn't it. His bizarre trolling episodesseemingly devoted to nothing more than being mind-numbingly hateful and offensive and celebrating as"funny" saner peoples condemnations of his anticswas enough to consider him a "conservative standard bearer." None of his past statements were enough to keep him from being invited to speak as one of the top "conservative" voices in the movementuntil they found out about the pedophilia bit. And considering the habits of the now-sitting president, who both bragged about and who was confirmed to have invited himself into teenager's changing rooms while the contestants dressed for his beauty competitions, it seems even the pedophilia has some fudge factor built in.

Meanwhile, the folks at Milo's day job apparently don't quite know what to do with him either. Breitbart "News" was, like CPAC, fine with their writer promoting anti-Semitism, xenophobia, racism, misogyny and whatever else he could stuff into his self-promoting appearances and columns, but now some of them are threatening to themselves walk if he doesn't get the boot.

That video in question, by the way? It's over a year old. Nobody thought it disqualified him from being a "conservative standard bearer" for a full year, while they were shouting about liberals oppressing him and while the now-president snuffled that well maybe if universities weren't going to let him speak in their own venues maybe those universities should lose their funding. So is the problem that he recorded the video in the first place, or is the problem just that it's creating publicity problems now that his fellow conservatives find themselves attached to it as well?

Continued here:
CPAC invites alt-right Milo Yiannopoulos to keynote for his hatred, disinvites him over pedophilia - Daily Kos

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