Daily Mail and ‘alt-right’ put lefties in firing line – The Guardian

Paul Dacre, the editor of the Daily Mail. Photograph: Chris Ratcliffe/Rex

So the Mail responded with both barrels (Letters, June 23). That trigger-happy metaphor says it all. Lefties dont reach for their guns or express hatred against others including Daily Mail readers they use satirical cartoons and mild rebukes. The increasing numbers of death threats in our society virtually all come from alt-right extremists, as even Charles Foster might agree. It is not the readers who leadthe alt-right charge at the Mail, but the unbalanced editors, who go far beyond simply having opinions. Has this mild letter put me in the firing line? Virginia Cumming London

As Charles Foster suggests, it isnt always possible to divine the political stance of people from the newspapers they read. A late and much-missed colleague used to buy the Daily Mail every day, which astonished me because I knew where he stood politically. I tackled him one day about it. Youre about as leftwing as its possible to be without disappearing over the horizon. Why do you buy the Mail, I asked. To which he replied: Its the only paper that gives Tony Blair the kicking he deserves. Nigel Stapley Wrexham

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Daily Mail and 'alt-right' put lefties in firing line - The Guardian

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