Did "alt-right" hoaxster and troll Jack Posobiec plant fake protest signs at a net neutrality protest? – Media Matters for America (blog)

Media Matters for America (blog)
Did "alt-right" hoaxster and troll Jack Posobiec plant fake protest signs at a net neutrality protest?
Media Matters for America (blog)
Noted "alt-right" troll and hoaxster Jack Posobiec took to Periscope on May 18 to highlight a group of supposed protesters at a net neutrality event in Washington, D.C. who were holding signs calling for bans on Breitbart, Drudge, and Infowars ...

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Did "alt-right" hoaxster and troll Jack Posobiec plant fake protest signs at a net neutrality protest? - Media Matters for America (blog)

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