Fliers urging whites to join Alt-Right found at UR – Rochester Democrat and Chronicle

Editorial writer George Hager explains the process of being labeled a hate group and why some organizations don't like the designation.

Campus of University of Rochester(Photo: CARLOS ORTIZ/@CFORTIZ_DANDC/2015 STAFF FILE PHOTO)Buy Photo

Fliers saying, "Hey,White Person! Join the ALT-RIGHT" werefound Sunday on the University of Rochester River Campus.

The fliersdidn't have any identifying information about who wasresponsible for them.

UR spokeswoman Sara Miller said: "The University has been made aware of these fliersand will continue to monitor the situation."

Alt-Rightis a set of far-rightideologies, groups and individuals believing that "white identity" is under attack by multicultural forces, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which monitors hate groups.

In urging people to join Alt-Right, the fliers make such statements as "diversity really means 'less white people'" and, "Wondering why only white countries have to become "multicultural?"

A copy of the flier was posted Sunday on the Community Uprooting Racism in Brighton (CURB) Facebook page.

"We don't know what the writer's intention is in remaining anonymous, but certainly the message is clear to stir feelings of white supremacy," said MonicaGebell, one ofthe organizers of CURB, which was formed after white supremacist fliers were found last fall in Brighton neighborhoods.

She was told about thefliers found at UR on Sunday by Kendra Evans, an organizer of PittsFORWARD,which promotes diversity and combats racism. The groupwas also formedlast fall after white supremacist fliers were found in Pittsford.


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Gebell's postingtagged a friend inFlorida, who notified Evan Bernstein, New York regional director of the Anti-Defamation League.

The fliers found in the fall spurred residents of those towns to come together for a variety of diversity and community unity events organized by PittsFORWARDand CURB.

In December, police located the man responsible for the fliers, identified by theDemocrat and Chronicleas 32-year-old Erik Stein. At the time,Brighton Police Chief Mark Henderson said the man admitted to distributing the fliers and maintaining the website, but that there was no crime, as his actions were political in nature and protected free speech.

The website apparently hasbeen taken down andits content replaced only with the word "compliant."


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Fliers urging whites to join Alt-Right found at UR - Rochester Democrat and Chronicle

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