Greg Gutfeld on Anniversary of Breitbart’s Death: ‘He Would Have Kicked the Alt-Right Goons to the Curb’ – Mediaite

Fox News hostGreg Gutfeld honored the five-year anniversary of his friend Andrew Breitbartspassing by writing an op-edremembering his views and implying he would disapprove of some of the content coming from the site that still bears his name.

Andrew loved more than he hated, Gutfeld wrote on you are one of those angry types who shouts in all caps on Twitter about how X needs to be fired and Y needs to be in jail Andrew would have avoided you like the plague.

Andrew would have loved the new right, but he would have kicked the alt-right goons to the curb, Gutfeld wrote. He hated creepy people of any political stripe and would have rejected all the assorted David Duke wannabes trying toclimb their way in. He would have known thatthe weirdos on the alt-right are just a mirror image of the weirdos on the hard left. They get off on fear.

Its too bad Andrew isnt around to call these ghouls out. Hed be great at it, he lamented.

Gutfeld admitted that he didnt know where Breitbart wouldve stood on Trump.I know he would have relished the implosion of pernicious tribal politics he wrote. Would Andrew be suspicious of Trumps autocratic outbursts, impulsiveness and disdain for critics? Or would he embrace Trump not just as a natural ally, but as the first real candidate in a post-ideological world? I dont know, but hed be enjoying every minute of it.

[image via screengrab]

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Greg Gutfeld on Anniversary of Breitbart's Death: 'He Would Have Kicked the Alt-Right Goons to the Curb' - Mediaite

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