How did the Trump administration’s immigration policies impact election results? – AL DIA News

It seems at last that the cruelties committed on the U.S.-Mexico border, especially those involving the separation offamilies and children, may have taken their toll on the President with the loss of a small margin of undecided voters that couldve decided a tight outcome.

The latest outrage is in, no surprise, a scenario where conspiracies like QAnon and crypto-fascist speeches coexist for one of Donald Trump's most alt-right advisors.Californian Stephen Millerchooses to add fuel to the fire with obscene predictions of a second term where all kinds of border measures will be intensified.

In a telephone interview for NBC News, Miller said that they would limit asylum permits and persecute "sanctuary cities" by expanding visitation limits. His goal would be, plain and simple, to increase any criteria that would ensure the U.S.'s impermeability.

The main fear that such electoral measures provoke is that they may require a new legal apparatus, which excludes some of those already living and working in the United States. They're also legal changes that are especially challenging to undo later and a jigsaw for future governments.

Rolling Stone reportedthat to date, 400,000 people have been forced to leave the U.S.,2,654 children have been taken from their families, and more than half a million people have been left in legal limbo. It is also very pertinentto mention, as VICEreported, the hundreds of cases of racism and eugenics that occurred in the ICE facilities.

Miller's promises work both as propaganda and as fuel for his alt-right followers who have taken the streets in recentdays over the election results. The most progressive sectors have screamed blue murder from the very same moment some media planners appeared. Still, in political terms, they were never their audience, so they lived proudly with the fury of adversaries that gave them screentime. But there is a small margin of the population that changestheir supportfrom one election to the next.These are the voters most-targeted by presidentialcampaigns. It's not only the campaigns that change their vote, but also the actions of administrations. Under President Trump, terrible, inhumane treatmentof children at the borderrecently exposed again in Hatemonger: Stephen Miller, Donald Trump and the White Nationalist Agenda (Jean Guerrero, 2020), are actions that havenot goneunnoticed.

However, this lack of solidarity has been a considerable burden on his image for the small margin of undecided and independent voters, as a poll published by Public Opinion Strategies revealed. Among all this tangle of Machiavellian proposals, the most serious red line for up to 65% of those polled, especially for men and women from suburban areas, is the separation of families on the U.S.-Mexico border.

It seems like, in the end, their alt-right advisors and actions turned out to be little Icarus who ended up burning themselves with such fateful predictions, making a small margin of voters make the difference.

Original post:
How did the Trump administration's immigration policies impact election results? - AL DIA News

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