How to Stop the Twitter Trolls and Clean Up Your Feed – Lifehacker

Twitter can be a cesspool full of bots, trolls, and Reply Guys. Luckily, there are some built-in privacy and security tools you can use to minimize the amount of garbage in your feed. In the video above, I show you how.

The most obvious first step to cleaning up your Twitter feed is to Marie Kondo the accounts you follow. Dont want to see your ex from college fall down the alt-right rabbit hole in real time? Unfollow. Sick of your former roommate posting constantly about how she just loves living alone with her cat? Unfollow. Just keep in mind that this doesnt stop them from following you or messaging you if your DMs are open.

If you dont want to completely unfollow someone, but just need a break from their posts, then mute them. Their posts will stop appearing in your feed, but youre still able to manually visit their account and see their posts. If this person mentions you or DMs you, youll still get notifications.

This is your best tool against people you absolutely dont want to interact with. Blocking someone will prevent them from following you, messaging you, or showing up in your feed. You wont be able to see their account and they wont be able to see yours. This is the ultimate way to completely cut off communication on Twitter, and you shouldnt be afraid to wield this tool like a Jedis lightsaber.

A certain topic or trend can often become all-consuming on Twitter, and thats where this tool comes in. Are you some sort of heartless monsters whos sick of seeing all of those Baby Yoda memes? Just block the words Baby Yoda and any tweets containing those words wont show up in your feed or notifications.

At the end of the day, how much you check Twitter is up to you. If its become a bad habit, there are some tools you can use on your phone to limit screen time or block apps during certain hours of the day. I made a video about that, too.

The nuclear solution, baby. Cant get trolled online if youre not online.

Here is the original post:
How to Stop the Twitter Trolls and Clean Up Your Feed - Lifehacker

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