InfoWars, ‘Alt-Right’ Fake News Site, Gets White House Press Credentials – Forward

InfoWars, the alt-right site thats been widely blasted for spreading fake news, has acquired credentials to attend White House press briefings.

There have been previous attempts from the organization to win press access to the White House, with InfoWars getting a weekly pass to briefings earlier in the month.

InfoWars is led by fabulist Alex Jones, who has claimed that the Sandy Hook school massacre was a hoax and that Michelle Obama is secretly a man who murdered comedian Joan Rivers.

Jerome Corsi, its Washington, D.C. corrspondent, was one of the popularizers of birtherism, the racist lie that former President Obama was born in Kenya, rather than the United States.

Trump and his associates have granted interviews and other forms of media access to InfoWars, which has been linked to the white supremacist alt-right movement.

Contact Daniel J. Solomon at or on Twitter @DanielJSolomon

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InfoWars, 'Alt-Right' Fake News Site, Gets White House Press Credentials - Forward

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