John Krull: Waiting for the waves in Nebraska – Kokomo Tribune

Some people just love, love, love being conned.

I hear from them all the time, folks who swallow the most preposterous nonsense and yet remain convinced that they are worldly sages, the only ones who see whats really going on.

A recent example came from a correspondent who lives in Kokomo. He wrote in response to something Id written about former Vice President Mike Pences break with former President Donald Trump.

The correspondent offered two predictions in his latest missive.

The first was that Trump would be elected president again in 2024. The second was that President Joe Biden would be imprisoned for unspecified crimes.

These were but the latest in a series of predictions the email writer has offered all of them spawned by the hallucinatory atmosphere of the alt-right media biosphere. Dark fantasies spring up in that strange soil faster than weeds in an untended garden.

This same guy has predicted at different times that former President Barack Obama and former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also would serve prison time, that Trump would lead Republicans to surging triumphs in 2018, 2020 and 2022, that Trump would be re-elected, that COVID would be nothing but a blip .

You get the idea.

There is no fact related to Donald Trump or the political scene these days to which this guy does not seem to have a natural immunity.

Hes typical in that way of a lot of my correspondents. They all see the world through Trump-filtered glasses, all the while accusing the rest of us of being myopic.

The reason Im focusing on him is that in all other ways he seems to be an intelligent and accomplished man. He has held positions of responsibility in his community and seems to command respect there.

Yet, when it comes to Donald Trump, his senses seem to flee him.

If the former president offered to sell him oceanfront property in Nebraska, this guy would slap his money down, set up his beach chair somewhere just west of Omaha and wait for the tide to roll in.

And, when the waves refused to lap at his toes, this same guy would buy without question or qualm Trumps explanation that someone a Democrat or a RINO (Republican in name only) had stolen the Pacific Ocean from them.

Because the fact that someone had pocketed a body of water that covers 30% of the earths surface is so much easier to believe than accepting the idea that a guy who has a well-documented history of lying might have misled him is.

In fact, its just as easy to swallow that as it is to buy the notion that someone could engineer a massive conspiracy to deny Trump the 2020 presidential election and yet somehow leave every other election in every other state untouched.

This is what puzzles me.

This guy and many others like him clearly arent dumb. They seem capable of exercising discernment and judgement in all other areas of their lives.

But they cannot process evidence when it comes to Donald Trump.

Do they not notice when things they have been promised assured, over and over again would happen do not occur?

Do they not realize, for example, that, even when Trumps party controlled the presidency, Congress and the courts, the former president still couldnt find grounds to bring charges against Obama and Clinton?

Or that, if Trump had anything on Biden, the former president wouldnt have needed to extort such dirt from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy?

This blindness goes beyond partisanship.

Partisanship can prompt a rational person to argue that Bidens inflation-reduction program is or isnt working, depending upon his or her political leanings.

It cannot persuade anyone rational, though, to contend that inflation doesnt exist. Partisanship does not provide adequate explanation or justification for denying plain facts.

But that is what Trump lovers do again and again and again.

They are so enraptured by the former presidents fantasy construct of effortless omnipotence and endless victimhood that they eat it all up, then ask for seconds and thirds. They love the taste so much they dont even notice the contradiction that someone so powerful shouldnt be so easily victimized.

Why are they so blind?

Because they want to believe they could have bought the ocean for a song if only someone hadnt taken it from them.

Some people just love, love, love being conned.

Original post:
John Krull: Waiting for the waves in Nebraska - Kokomo Tribune

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