LEGER: Alt-right agitation won’t work in Canada | The Chronicle … – TheChronicleHerald.ca

Will Canada become the next domino to fall to right-wing populism? Its been successful just across the border. Why not here?

The emerging movement of angry populism, the so-called alt-right, has already turned U.S. politics upside down. Its exponents, such as Donald Trump and his adviser Stephen Bannon, are at the top of their game.

They aim to permanently replace traditional democratic institutions with a modern autocracy free from legal, journalistic or institutional accountability.

Along with constant attacks on the media, courts and government oversight agencies, Trump promises to spend billions on the military and security services, while eliminating funding for arts, humanities and poverty programs.

Some Canadians feel this country needs a Trump, to drain the swamp in Ottawa, take down political and cultural elites and kick out unwanted foreigners.

To them, Justin Trudeau embodies everything thats wrong with Canada: hes from the wealthy elite, hes politically correct, he advocates for feminism and even welcomes refugees.

The alt-right wants us to heed the lessons of other countries where populism, nativism and mistrust of institutions are taking hold. Look at Trump, they say, or Brexit. Look at Europeans who are embracing right-wing parties in reaction to immigration, free trade, working-class stagnation.

In Poland, authoritarian President Andrzej Duda is restricting immigration, cracking down on the media and undermining judicial independence.

The French might well elect Marine Le Pen of the anti-immigration National Front party. She promises to expel undocumented migrants, severely restrict legal immigration and build prisons.

All these alt-right parties claim to be nationalists and patriots, as if you cant be either of those and a democrat. They laugh off the threat of Russian or Chinese manipulations and laugh off climate change as a hoax.

They insist Islamic extremism is the real threat to western civilization and want the borders closed to Muslims or anyone of suspect ideology.

But is the alt-right really ascendant? Theyre strong now, but there are limits on their growth.

Last week, Dutch voters rebuked the extreme right in national elections. Prime Minister Mark Rutte was re-elected in a clear rejection of anti-immigration Geert Wilders and his Freedom Party. Turnout was 82 per cent. The Freedom Party, supposedly surging, got 13 per cent.

In Poland, public support for Dudas Law and Justice party is under 40 per cent, despite a program of generous monthly handouts to families.

Recent polls suggest even the mighty Trump can barely hold a 40 per cent approval rating.

It could be the populist right is rising as a byproduct of decline among the left. The U.S. Democrats, the U.K. Labour Party and Canadas NDP are mired in leadership and directional crises.

Even so, alt-right ideology faces severe challenges here and not because Canadians are nicer than other people.

Trudeaus Liberals are hogging the political middle like a Hummer in a parking spot. They are generous with refugees but vigilant about borders. Theyre both pro-environment and pro-pipelines.

They understand Canadians value stability over ideology, that the country isnt perfect but isnt broken either. Theres no need for ideologues to fix Canada.

The alt-right poseurs among the Conservative Party leadership candidates have underwhelmed. Canadian Conservatives really are conservative: preferring cautious and incremental reforms to demolition of state institutions.

Still, anything is possible. If Trump does restrict trade and impose border controls, Canadas economy will get a brutal shock. Maybe that would bring on the tough times the alt-right needs to be successful.

I think its more likely the alt-rights achievements elsewhere will undermine the movement here. Every day, Canadians see more clearly what a vote for Trump-style leadership means: its a vote for kleptocracy, autocracy and bigotry. Its a vote for the rich against working people. Its a vote for fraud.

And unless something significant has changed, those still arent winning values in Canada.

See original here:
LEGER: Alt-right agitation won't work in Canada | The Chronicle ... - TheChronicleHerald.ca

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