Letters to the Editor – On the Edge News

On my visit to Edgewood College in high school, it was amazing to walk past the offices inPredolinand see the resources that Edgewood has to offer to make students feel included. It was one of the main reasons I chose Edgewood over other colleges in the state. Working for the equality of all people is one of my core values and a value that I thought Edgewood believed in as well. Restricting health services information for students to accommodate the agenda of a transphobic, homophobic, alt-right hate group does not reflect this value and makes me embarrassed to call myself an Edgewood student.


Edgewood removing planned parenthood from the student resource page on the website at the push of a right-wing,anti trans, homophobic petition further illustrates not only the ignorance surrounding planned parenthoods services, but also confirms the fear of Edgewoods LGBT community. It is a loud, blaring sign from our interim president that we are not valued members of this community, and that we arent wanted.

Charlotte Williams, junior

For me this is not a call for open discourse, but rather a declaration of disappointment as analumnito be affiliated with this institution. While I attended Edgewood from 2012 to 2017, I was never a fan of the administrations decisions, but my positive experiences are with the faculty. To those who helped me grow through my education, my heart goes out to you as you never forced perspectives on me which allowed me to grow in my own way. Apparently, the current administration does not share this methodology.

Edgewood touts Partnership, Community, Truth, Justice, Compassion.Partnershipwith the select and neglecting those who live differently?Communitywith those who seek to target and ostracize others?Truthin that the college has become a circus run by clowns? Justicefor those we only approve of, but good luck if you dont fit the bill?Compassionwhere we see fit, not for all?

I decided to invest some of my word count on the broader scope of PPs services to contrast against the stark motivation behind the change at Edgewood.Below is taken from Wikipedia:

According to PPFA, in 2014 the organization provided 3.6 million contraceptive services, 4.5 million sexually transmitted infection services, about 1 million cancer related services, over 1 million pregnancy tests and prenatal services, over 324,000 abortion services, and over 100,000 other services, for a total of 9.5 million discrete services. PPFA is well known for providing services to minorities and the poor; according to PPFA, approximately four out of five of their clients have incomes at or below 150 percent of the federal poverty. Services for mens health include STD testing and treatment,vasectomyprocedures, and erectile dysfunction services. Education is available regarding male birth control and lowering the risk of sexually transmitted diseases.

Jacob Waskow, alum

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Letters to the Editor - On the Edge News

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