Not Liking Modern Architecture Apparently Makes You Alt-Right – The Daily Caller

Favoring traditional art and critiquing modern architecture is apparently enough to make one a member of the alt-right, according to a Monday article.

Likening its critique of modernism and defense of traditional art to a defense of white European culture, Amanda Kolson Hurley conflates InfoWars and the National Rifle Association (NRA) with the alt-right in aneditorialentitled Why Is the Alt-Right So Angry About Architecture?

The aesthetic judgment in the NRAs one-minute ad is implicit, almost subliminal, whereas InfoWars launches a full-bore attack, states Hurley. But both bear the same message about modern architecture: It is the province of the liberal urban elite, and that it stands for oppression.


Hurley shifts to critiquing the NRAs ad, delivered by gun rights activist Dana Loesch. She suggests that elements of the far right are deliberately making architecture a front in the Trump-era culture wars.


We are never told who they are, says Hurley, referencing Loeschs repeated use of the pronoun, but the shots make it clear: They are people in liberal L.A. and Chicago who swan about in fancy parks and buildings.

Watson has publicly distanced himself from the alt-right while the NRA has never addressed its relationship to the label one way or the other.

Hurley closes her argument by suggesting that the public doesnt hate modernism, linking to apollindicating preference for 20th-century designs among the public. But she also acknowledges that the profession of architecture skews urban and blue-state, noting that designers heavily populate cities like New York, Los Angeles, and Boston.

The Daily Caller News Foundation reached out to Hurley and Justin Shubow of the National Civic Art Society for comment, but received none in time for publication.

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Not Liking Modern Architecture Apparently Makes You Alt-Right - The Daily Caller

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