Pelosi connects alt-right, white supremacist movements to Trump in AIPAC speech – Washington Examiner

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi spoke out against purported connections between the White House and the alt-right movement and white supremacists, citing the "poisonous attitudes we are witnessing now" in a speech before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee's annual conference Tuesday.

Pelosi briefly brought up the 2016 election to note the rise of both movements in a jab against President Trump and the White House. Pelosi's comments were likely directed at Steve Bannon, the White House chief strategist, and his work for Breitbart News prior to joining the Trump campaign last summer.

"We come together in the aftermath of an election that left our country divided, but our democracy is strong and God is always with us," Pelosi said. "Our faith tells us that we have not done enough to rid our nation of poisonous attitudes we are witnessing now.

"A presidential campaign where hate speech went unchallenged, an atmosphere that emboldened anti-Semites to desecrate Jewish cemeteries. Hate crimes continuing to increase. White supremacists and the alt-right that feel empowered and connected to the White House. That is unacceptable," Pelosi said to applause in the crowd.

Throughout Pelosi's speech, she talked up the relationship between the two countries and spoke up against a rise in anti-Semitic threats and attacks.

Pelosi was latest in a long line of congressional leaders to address the conference, along with House Speaker Paul Ryan, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy. Vice President Mike Pence also addressed the conference on Sunday night.

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Pelosi connects alt-right, white supremacist movements to Trump in AIPAC speech - Washington Examiner

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