The Angle: Who Likes the Alt-Right Edition – Slate Magazine

Steve Bannonwho may or may not be alt-right, depending on who you askwith Reince Priebus at CPAC on Thursday.

Alex Wong/Getty Images

Having it both ways: Michelle Goldberg reports on the odd hypocrisy of the Conservative Political Action Conference, the organizers of which are trying to simultaneously denounce and welcome the alt-right. A case in point: Kicking out punching victim Richard Spencer but giving Steve Bannon a prime speaking spot.

Star power: Willa Paskin examines the role of celebrities in an America thats governed by one. Some, like Katy Perry, are loudly straddling the line separating politics from entertainment, while others, such as Taylor Swift, are being deemed sympathizers for staying mum. In an era of unique polarization, stars have been weaponized by the right and left in a zero-sum game of embarrassment and consolation, Paskin observes.

No bogus data: At least for now. Jordan Weissmann debunks a Wall Street Journal scoop that warned that Trumps White House might be fiddling with U.S. trade figures for political gain.

Get out and see Get Out: Aisha Harris calls the new horror flick, helmed by comedian Jordan Peele, a classic, hitting that sweet spot between scary and hilarious, and laying bare the many layers of Americas historic treatment of the black body.

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The Angle: Who Likes the Alt-Right Edition - Slate Magazine

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