Trump’s CNN-Bashing Tweet Video From ‘Alt-Right’ Reddit Site – The National Memo (blog)

Reprinted with permission from MediaMatters.

President Donald Trump tweeted a video showing him tackling and punching a man with the CNN logo imposed over his face. The video appears to have come from forum frequented by alt-right Trump supporters who posted it days earlier.

On July 2, Trump tweeted video that appeared to show Trump in a wrestling match attacking a man with CNN on his face, writing along with the video, #FraudNewsCNN #FNN.

The Reddit forum r/The_Donald, wherealt-rightmembers supporting Trump congregate,posted a GIFfour days prior that seems to be the same footage.

Following Trumps tweet, users on the forumtook creditfor Trumps promotion of the footage, with one user telling the original uploader of the GIF that his dankery has been tweeted by the President of the United States.

Trumps tweet is the latest example of him promoting content that appears to have originated on online message boards such as Reddit and 4chan, which have regularlypushed conspiracy theoriesthat some in Trumps inner circle have sometimes promoted. During the presidential campaign, Trumps campaign teammonitoredforums like r/The_Donald for content, and in May, Trumpappeared to take messagingfrom r/The_Donald directed at Rosie ODonnell.New Yorkmagazines Olivia Nuzzinotedthis trend on CNNsReliable Sources, saying, I think this has happened a number of times where something it goes from Reddit to one of Donald Trumps aides, and then to Donald Trumps Twitter account.

(h/tBrian StelterandBradd Jaffy)

Original post:
Trump's CNN-Bashing Tweet Video From 'Alt-Right' Reddit Site - The National Memo (blog)

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