Twitter suspends ‘alt-right’ WeSearchr on back of dubious bounty … – RT

A website offering a hefty reward for the identity of a man who punched a US alt-right leader has been suspended from Twitter.

WeSearchr, a crowdfunding site relating to alt-right interests, is offering US$4,500 for the identity of a man who struck controversial white nationalist Richard Spencer at a protest rally on inauguration day.

Twitter has not given any reason for the suspension or communicated with us at all in any way, WeSearchr Co-Founder Pax Dickinson said in an email to RT.

We have suspicions about why we were suspended but Twitter has refused to tell us the reason or issue any statement on this at all, said Dickinson. Theres no sign of it being reversed, but only because there has been NO communication from Twitter at all.

READ MORE: Alt-right leader sucker punched by masked man during DC protest rally (VIDEO)

Prior to its Twitter suspension, WeSearchr had raised a few thousand dollars towards a bounty to identify the person who punched Spencer whom the site identifies as a conservative, pro-Trump activist.

Speaking to RT, Dickinson alleged the Twitter ban happened after left-wing anarchists complained to the social network.

Twitter, however, defended its decision to suspend the account in a recent statement to We Are Change saying violent threats, harassment, hateful conduct and multiple account abuse were prohibited on its site.

RT reached out to Twitter but have yet to receive a response.

WeSearchr Co-Founder Charles Johnson was banned from Twitter in 2015 after asking for donations to help take out DeRay McKesson, a civil rights activist who had been protesting police shootings in Baltimore and Ferguson.

Johnson defended his actions, saying Twitter didnt have a problem with people using their service to coordinate riots but they did have a problem with his kind of journalism.

Originally posted here:

Twitter suspends 'alt-right' WeSearchr on back of dubious bounty ... - RT

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