Watch: Reporter assaulted as Antifa clashes with Alt-Right during anti-war rally –

Saturday, during an anti-war rally outside of the White House put on by the alt-right, members of the alt-rightprotestors found themselves going toe to toe with members of Antifa.

During a Facebook live video by the Daily Caller, reporters are standing to the side filming alt-righters, who among them was figurehead, white supremacist Richard Spencer, debating others. While words were thrown back and forth, the debate was tense, but largely peaceful.

Soon, members of Antifa began to approach from the opposite side, with one member in a red mask quickly coming forward and hitting one of the reporters cameras with a rolled up banner. No Nazis, no KKK, no fascist USA were chanted by Antifa members who were carrying communist flags and signs that read the future is feminist.The same member who assaulted the Daily Caller reporter also snatched a sign out of the hands of an alt-righter and began to tear it up.

At some point, someone from the alt-right side made a quick grab for something between the two groups causing a brief scuffle, and resulting in both sides squaring off with fists raised. Police immediately came between them and created a barrier keeping them apart.

Both sides spent some time hurling chants and obscenities toward each other, until police pushed both groups away from one another.

The two groups would clash once again a little later on, with police once again creating a barrier between the two. Antifa hurled insulting chants like f**k you, Nazi toward the alt-righters, while those on the alt-right chanted get a job, Commie at Antifa.

Watch the interaction below. Be warned, there is hard language in this video.

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Watch: Reporter assaulted as Antifa clashes with Alt-Right during anti-war rally -

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