What Is The Alt-Right? Occidental Dissent

The #TruCons and the #LyingPress are all floating their own self-serving definitions in light of Hillarys big speech this afternoon which will attack the Alt-Right. The whole point of the speech is to distract the public from her own exploding scandals and to derail Trumps ongoing pivot to the center of the electorate.

It is a naked political move. Even the reporters covering the campaign know this. For the moment, the Alt-Right is said to have taken over the Trump campaign and the Republican Party, even through Trump himself has never once mentioned the Alt-Right. Weve taken over the Republican Party because Trump hired Stephen Bannon who runs Breitbart as his campaign CEO which employs Milo Yiannopoulos who writes about the Alt-Right and who knows some of the key figures in the movement.

Before we define the Alt-Right, it is important to first define its nemesis Conservatism, Inc., which the Alt-Right has always been a reaction against:

What Is Conservatism, Inc.?

1.) At the apex of Conservatism, Inc., you have the donor class, which is basically a group of millionaires and billionaires whose primary concern in life there are other concerns such as signaling their high social status is protecting their money from the grasping hands of big gubmint. This is the definition of freedom.

2.) The donor class funds a vast array of think tanks, organizations, and shills who work for print and online magazines the network we call Conservatism, Inc. whose job it is to convince you that big gubmint is destroying everything great and good in America and that letting rich people keep their money and be free from onerous regulations is the solution to every problem under the sun. The teachers unions, for example, are responsible for the low IQ of African-American students in Detroits schools.

3.) Philosophically, the pundit class defines #TruConservatism in the United States as conserving classical liberalism. This is somewhat confusing to Europeans that an older version of liberalism is called conservatism in the United States whereas in Europe it has always meant the old order that liberalism destroyed. In Europe, conservatism is often associated with statism rather than anti-statism. Anyway, when the #TruCons talk about their precious principles, what they mean is classical liberalism.

4.) Okay, so even the #TruCons know that their classical liberal principles arent sufficient to build a winning electoral coalition, which is why they have grafted all this religious baggage onto #TruConservatism in order to appeal to Christian voters in the Heartland. The same is true of fomenting new wars and preserving the military industrial complex. It doesnt necessarily have anything to do with classical liberalism (classical liberals used to hate standing armies), but it is necessary to win.

5.) The whole point of Conservatism, Inc. is to build an electoral coalition strong enough to win the presidency and advance the interests of its investors. Rich people care about two things: their money and their status.

This has created an insoluble problem for Conservatism, Inc: in order for the scam to work, it is necessary to pump up its base voters by getting them angry about, say, trannies in the restroom, aborting babies, or illegal aliens destroying the country. Then once the #TruCon politicians are elected to office, their job becomes things like deregulating Wall Street, pushing new free-trade agreements, cutting taxes, pushing comprehensive immigration reform, etc. The donor class also looks down its nose at the hoi polloi.

Inevitably, the hoi polloi which has won so many elections for Conservatism, Inc. begins to wonder: why havent these people succeeded in conserving anything? After all these elections they have won and all this money they have been given, why has their been such a poor return on our investment? The answer is that the things being conserved (the tax cuts, the free-trade agreements, deregulation, the union busting, the social safety net cuts, etc.) are the things the donors care about.

Conservatism, Inc. never cared about winning the culture wars. The donors who finance the project were always on the other side. They protested loudly when Indiana and Arkansas passed religious freedom laws. They have relentlessly pushed for amnesty for illegal aliens and all kinds of things which are anathema to the base. They look down on the base because they want to be seen as respectable by their liberal friends.

Conservatism, Inc.s biggest internal problem right now is that the shill/pundit class has collectively decided it wants to signal its status too. They want to be seen as one of the good ones by leftists in their own social class who tend to live in the same areas. Their job is to appeal to and motivate the predominantly White working class base voters to turnout for the right candidates in elections. They cant do that though by insinuating the base voters are a bunch of religious kooks and knuckle dragging racists.

The Republican signaling structure has broken down. This is why we are talking about Donald Trump and the Alt-Right instead of Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio.

What Is The Alt-Right?

The Alt-Right is not just a populist or nationalist revolt against Conservatism, Inc. Most of Trumps supporters now fully accept our critique of Conservatism, Inc. Few of these people grasp where the Alt-Right is coming from or have even heard of the Alt-Right. They are more accurately called Alt-Right Lite or Nationalist Lite.

Breitbart.com is now the main purveyor of Alt-Right Lite. My sense is that they are doing this because our message strikes a chord and most importantly it sells and has amassed a large audience. It generates clicks and shares which generates a lucrative revenue stream for them. Stephen Bannon is a smart businessman and something of a bomb thrower by reputation, but I have never seen any evidence he is Alt-Right.

The Alt-Right has three hallmark characteristics:

1.) Realism First, the most important characteristic of the Alt-Right is radical realism. By that I mean that Alt-Right is non-ideological and analyses almost every question from the perspective of whether or not it is true.

The Alt-Right has a reputation for racism. Thats because the Alt-Right looks at the question of racial equality, demands to see the evidence, and draws the conclusion it is just a bunch of bullshit we are supposed to believe. The Alt-Right looks at places like Detroit, Haiti, sub-Saharan Africa and so on, shrugs its shoulders, and suggests not really. There isnt a school district in the United States which has ever demonstrated the existence of racial equality under controlled conditions. The evidence for racial equality is less plausible than Medieval alchemists trying to turn lead into gold.

There are any number of other questions to where this way of looking at the world is applied. The existence of abstract universal human rights, for example, is derived from stories created by idiot savants about a State of Nature or an Original Position that never existed. The Alt-Right prefers to examine the question of human rights by looking to history and biology as our guide. Seen in this light, the emergence of universal human rights looks much more like an outgrowth of the Wests own peculiar culture.

I could continue with other examples like biological differences between men and women. The egalitarian fictions we are told by feminists in that area are also waylaid by reality. Were forced by society to believe in things which the evidence suggests arent true.

2.) Identity Second, the Alt-Rights interest in identity is an outgrowth of its radical realism. The Alt-Rights analysis of history and biology has led us to the conclusion that human beings ARE NOT primarily individuals. On the contrary, we are tribal beings who invariably divide the world into in-groups and out-groups, and those tribes have always been in a primordial struggle for DOMINANCE.

Liberals tell themselves a cute story about how individuals once exited a State of Nature and came together to draw up a social contract in which they parted ways with some of their inalienable rights to create society. But thats not really what happened now is it? The evidence suggests that prehistoric man lived a life that was nothing like this liberal fantasy. There is no evidence either that society was created as it was said to have been created like a lawyers contract in the liberal origin myth.

The timeless struggle for DOMINANCE between rival groups is why we have POLITICS.

3.) Iconoclasm Third, the Alt-Right has a strong Nietzchean streak. Even if many of us have studied Nietzsche at one point in our lives and moved on as we grew older, we still tend to relish creating mischief. We enjoy smashing idols.

In the United States, liberals, progressives, conservatives, and libertarians are all branches of the common liberal family. All these groups want to preserve the fundamental liberal world order even if they disagree on whether liberty or equality should be given priority and fight viciously with each other. They all share the same blinkered liberal worldview in which more liberty or more equality is the solution to every problem.

We dont belong to the liberal family. Were see ourselves as something else altogether. This is why, for example, so many of us enjoy trolling because we dont believe in any of the standard bullshit for example, nothing is less self-evident to us than the notion that all men are created equal and political correctness is an irresistible target.

Everything else about the Alt-Right is downstream from the source: cuckservative, Pepe the Frog, Meme Magic, and so on. It is very Alt-Right to call Leslie Jones a black dude, tell Bruce Jenner he is still a man because his delusion hasnt changed his DNA, to blurt out that Jews are controlling the media or that freedom failed in Africa and Haiti all which is true but something you are not allowed to say.

Its easy to see why the Alt-Right and Conservatism, Inc. doesnt get along. Conservatism, Inc. kowtows to the reigning liberal taboos. The Alt-Right lives to smash them.

Note: The media is now sharing this Walt Bismarck video from the 2016 Amren conference which is humorous summary of the last 15 years.

Excerpt from:
What Is The Alt-Right? Occidental Dissent

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