Where Are the Next Alt-Right, White Nationalist Rallies Planned? – Newsweek

The organizers of an alt-right rally in Boston this weekend have vowed to move ahead with the event in the wake of violence at a similar event in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday.

The demonstration is just one of several so-called free speech rallies planned across the United States this week, with right-wing events planned later in the summer.

The rally on Saturday IS NOT CANCELED. Not sure where this rumor came from, the Boston Free Speech rallys organizers wrote on Facebook late Monday.

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Members of white nationalist protesters hold shields as they clash against a group of counterprotesters in Charlottesville, Virginia, August 12. Joshua Roberts/Reuters

Information about the potential shutdown was posted Monday on 4Chan, an anonymous internet forum that has become a home for hard-right ideologues. The same day Bostons mayor Martin Walsh said, I dont want them here. We dont need them here.

The group wrote online that the Boston Police Department and the city are ignoring their calls but that their permit for the rally remains.

Walsh said Monday that he is exploring ways to shut down the rally over fears of similar bloodshed to that in Charlottesville, where one counterprotester died and dozens were seriously injured after a car that police believewas driven by an alt-right member plowed into a group of pedestrians.

We are not in any way associated with the organizers of the Charlottesville rally, the Boston events organizers wrote on Facebook. But the event shares speakers in common with the violent Virginia rally.

Speakers at the event include alt-right figures such as Tim Baked Alaska Gionet, who was a speaker in Charlottesville. Kyle Based Stick Man Chapman and Joe Biggs, a former contributor to the conspiracy theory website InfoWars, will also be there.

Related: Trump retweets alt-right leader who has praised white supremacist Richard Spencer

The so-called alt-right movement is a loose-knit group of racist white nationalists, nationalists, conspiracy theoristsand misogynists.

Some of the speakers began to pull out of the Boston event Monday, including alt-right figure Gavin McInnes, who has written for racist websites, including Vdare, and is a contributor at The Rebel, an alt-right online media outlet.

In addition to Boston, rallies are also being planned for Saturday, August 19, in Mountain View, California; Los Angeles; New York City;Washington, D.C.;Austin, Texas; Atlanta, Pittsburgh, and Seattle. These events are being organized by alt-right figure Jack Posobiec in opposition to Google and in solidarity with former Google engineer James Damore. Posobiec has said specifically said that the event is not an alt-right event but is open to anyone who values free speech.

Damore was fired as an engineer with the internet search giant last week after he wrote a memo criticizing the companys diversity policies. Damore said Tuesday that he does not want the alt-rights support. I do not support the alt-right, he told CNN Tech. Just because someone supports me doesnt mean I support them.

The neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer, which has been promoting these events as part of what it branded the Summer of Hate, was shut down Monday following the Charlottesville rally after it mocked counterprotester Heather Heyer, who was killed when a car plowed into the crowd. We are going to start doing this nonstop. Across the country, the site said after the Charlottesville rally.

These rallies arent about popularizing white nationalism, readan anonymous post on 4Chan on Sunday, but about normalizing white nationalism.

We need more of these in the future, it said, hopefully with an even larger turnout.

Another rally is being planned for September 16 in Richmond, Virginia, around a monument to Confederate General Robert E. Lee to protest the removal of similar statues from public spaces in Civil Warera Southern states. White supremacist Richard Spencer is also seeking permission to speak next month at the University of Florida.

Counterprotests are being planned in response to the rally in Boston as well, with the Black Lives Matter civil rights group saying they will march against the alt-right.

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Where Are the Next Alt-Right, White Nationalist Rallies Planned? - Newsweek

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