Why #NeverTrump Conservatives Shouldn’t Back the Democrats in 2020 – Caffeinated Thoughts

Former Congressman Joe Walsh (R-IL)pledgedto back the Democratic nominates even if its socialist Bernie Sanders (I-VT). Walsh is the latest in many prominent #NeverTrump Republicans to declare that hell back the Democratic nominee. Former Dan Quayle Advisor Bill Kristolrecently proclaimed, But for the time being, one has to say: We are all Democrats now.

Walsh, Kristol, and many other #NeverTrump conservative leaders have been willing to take a hard stand in opposing President Trumps many misdeeds and his debasing of American institutions. I respect that. However, I disagree with backing the Democrats for the following four reasons.

Many of us have decided against remaining in the GOP. Ive been saying our country needs a new political partyfor some time. #NeverTrump leaders like Kristol hung onto the GOP label so they could undermine the president and criticize the president as members of the presidents party. They didnt seek to wrest control of positions within State and Federal parties. They just saw to use the affiliation to give credence to their criticisms with groups likeRepublicans for the Rule of Law.

Republicans for the Rule of Law began as an effort to push the Mueller Investigation into Russian interference in the U.S. election. Trump-opposing Republicans like Kristol saw the Mueller investigation as the vehicle that dispose of Trump or at least weaken him to the point that a primary challenge might have a chance. This failed mainly due to the over-hyping of potential findings by Mueller. The Mueller investigation may have found several possible obstructions of justice, but it couldnt match the over the top hype that Trump was directly working for the Kremlin.

Also, Trump-skeptical Republican leaders began to back Democrats. Former RNC Chairman Ed Gillespie took a Trump-like turn when running for Governor of Virginia, engaging in a healthy amount of race-baiting in the 2017 Virginia Governors race, and Kristol backed his opponent. Trump critics like columnist George Will urged for voters to hand control of Congress to the Democrats. Both strategies succeeded as Ralph Northam was elected Governor of Virginia, and Democrats took the House.

On the plus side, House Democrats have made efforts to hold the president accountable.

However, their partisan motives undermined the credibility of their investigations. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Ca.) took the lead on impeaching President Trump. Schiff was skating on thin ice credibility-wise due to his overselling of the Mueller and Russia investigations. Evenmany conservativeswho favored impeachment thought the Democrats flawed processed doomed it. The Democrats botched the investigation of Ukraine due to a politically driven Impeachment by Christmas timeframe. This led to an impeachment case whose only hope of success was Republican Senators having a sense of honor and duty that exceeded House Democrats. Of course, Senate Republicans showed they didnt.

Also, the Democrats political gains have driven more conservatives into the arms of Trump. Ralph Northam pushed a radical pro-abortion agenda thatcountenanced infanticidedespite being touted as a moderate. With the new Democratic Majority in the House, we saw the rise of the radical squad of four far-left Democratic Congresswomen. Speaker Nancy Pelosi seemed helpless to reign them in. Pelosi has refused to stand up Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) over Omars bigotry. Stopantisemetism.org named OmarAnti-Semite of the Year. Well done, House Democrats, and those who helped bring you to power.

For three years, those on the right who opposed Trump have spent their influence on a strategy that leaves challenging Trump to prosecutors and Democrats. Its time to ask that classic Doctor Phil question: Hows that working for you?

Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) won the popular vote in Iowa and New Hampshire. However, former Mayor Pete Buttigieg won more delegates and therefore won the Iowa caucus. Former Vice-President Joe Bidens campaign is on life support as he finished fourth and fifth in the first two contests. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) is fading, and neither Buttigieg nor Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) has jumped into the lead anywhere based on their early state performances. The most likely candidate to stop Sanders is a late entry, billionaire former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

At present, theres an eighty percent chance the Democratic nominee will be either Bloomberg or Sanders. Both candidates are comparable to Trump in their own ways.

The definition of a race between Trump and Bloomberg is as follows: One candidate is a wealthy New York oligarch with authoritarian tendencies, ahistory of racially insensitive remarks,problems respecting women, and whodefended Russias invasion of the Crimea.The other candidate is Donald Trump.

One of Bloombergs supporterssaid, at an event this weekend, that she was aware of his issues with women, but he should be given a bye because the alternative is four more years of Trump. Republicans used the same argument in 2016 to back Trump.

Sandershas a long history of backing authoritarian regimesin places like Cuba and Nicaragua. He even spent his honeymoon in the Soviet Union. Many #NeverTrumpers have been shocked at the hatefulness of Trump-supporting groups like Turning Point USA, as well as the many racist and alt-right groups that embraced Trump. Bernies most extreme backers, known as Bernie Bros, arejust as bad.

You can make an argument over whether Trump is worse than either candidate. However, that is a debate over degrees, not a debate over kind. If youre concerned by the type of person Donald Trump is, Michael Bloomberg is the same kind of person. If youre worried about the type of anger and hatred that Trump inspires in others, Sanders is the same kind of candidate. Supporting either Bloomberg or Sanders in the name of getting rid of Trump damages the credibility of anti-Trump conservatives.

With two men who are older than the president being the Democratic frontrunners, President Trumps re-election chances look good. The best opportunity for either Bloomberg or Sanders to win is an economic collapse or foreign policy fiasco. Barring that, with prosperity at home and relative piece abroad, I see little chance that the country will vote for either Bloomberg or Sanders.

So Walsh and Kristol are not only asking Trump-opposing conservatives to compromise our values and our credibility to stop Trump, theyre asking us to do it in whats most likely a doomed effort. While theres an 80 percent chance that Bloomberg or Sanders wins the Democratic nomination, theres a 20 percent chance that someone else does. Biden may make a comeback. All those editorial board endorsements could do more for Amy Klobuchar than they did for John Kasich four years ago. A brokered convention might nominate Michelle Obama even though she doesnt want to be president. These would still not be great outcomes, but at least they wouldnt be bad in the same way Trump is. Kristol and others are trying to influence the Democrats to such a result.

It was equally possible after Donald Trump won three of the first four contests in 2016, that #NeverTrump Republicans could stop Trump. In the case of 2016, I felt obliged to try to save my then-party from Donald Trump against all the odds. As an independent, its not my job to protect the Democrats from themselves, and efforts to do so are likely pointless.

To some, Donald Trumps political career is the white whale; they are determined to kill at all costs. However, Trump is only a symptom of much larger problems in American politics. Voting for either Trump or his opponent will only make these problems worse. Spending the next eight months bickering over who would make America worse is like debating which venomous snake you want to bite you.

In his famous Give Me Liberty speech, Patrick Henry said the battle didnt belong only to the strong, but to the vigilant, the active, the brave. America needs a conservative Independent challenger to inspire voters to reject all venomous partisans. An excellent independent showing could serve as the foundation of a new major party and would be far healthier than trying to pick which of two evils is worth supporting.

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Why #NeverTrump Conservatives Shouldn't Back the Democrats in 2020 - Caffeinated Thoughts

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