Ann Coulter: How Is Trump’s First Year Different From a Jeb …

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Ann Coulterassessed President Trump's first year in office, saying it's clearly better than a Hillary Clinton presidency would have been, but otherwise not different from the results of any mainstream Republican.

She said right now she grades him as "incomplete" and is still hopeful he can deliver on the campaign promises that were far different from what mainstream Republicans and Democrats have offered voters for decades.

"Finally Trump came along and offered us X, Y and Z, but he's not really doing it. How is this presidency -- he's obviously better than Hillary Clinton -- different from Jeb exclamation point?" she asked on "The Next Revolution" Sunday night.

Coulter said Jeb Bush or "any Republican" would have passed tax cuts, kept in place the carried interest loophole for Wall Street and appointed a conservative Supreme Court justice.

"If he doesn't build the wall and deport illegals, this country is over," said the conservative commentator and author, sounding an alarm about the negotiations over DACA.

She added that Republicans are actually considering "100 percent amnesty," questioning how a federal law could be written only to cover "children who were brought here through no fault of their own."

"No, any amnesty is a 100 percent amnesty. Any senator, Republican or Democrat, weeping about 'children who came here through no fault of their own' is a liar and is pushing for amnesty and to destroy the country."

Watch her full analysis above.

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Read more:
Ann Coulter: How Is Trump's First Year Different From a Jeb ...

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