Ann Coulter News and Photos | Perez Hilton

Things got EXPLOSIVE on Good Morning Britain today!!!

YES, Perez really did say he'd piss on Donald Trump if he saw him burning alive and the president elect would like it.

Yes, he totally schooled and destroyed Ann Coulter in the head-head-debate!

And, yes, Piers Morgan gets involved too!

Watch all the insanity above!

And SHARE SHARE SHARE this clip!!!

Revolt! Resist! In every legal way you can!!!

Let's add bailing on Chelsea Handler's show to the long list of reasons everyone hates Ann Coulter.

The controversial commentator was supposed to appear on a new episode of Miz Handler's talk show, but the TV personality revealed the Donald Trump supporter bailed last-second via EMAIL.

Video: Chelsea Calls Angelina Jolie A F*cking Lunatic!

Chels explained:

Another year, another celebrity painfully skewered by jokes at Comedy Central's annual roast!

Only it wasn't the roastee who received the bulk of the heat at this year's Roast of Rob Lowe!

On Monday night, the Parks and Recreation alum subjected himself to the comedic barbs from the likes of David Spade, Saturday Night Live's Pete Davidson, Peyton Manning, Jewel, and roast veteran Jeff Ross.

Video: Rob Kind Of Made ANOTHER Sex Tape!

The actor certainly got roasted throughout the night, mostly for the 1988 sex tape he made with a 16-year-old girl like when roastmaster Spade quipped:

"Rob starred in Austin Powers two 16 years ago. Can you believe that? 16? Or as Rob calls it, 18' Rob has been called a comeback kid sorry I read that wrong, he came on a kid's back."

While the 52-year-old took plenty of jabs Davidson claimed doctors described him as "Gonorrhea patient zero" it was one of Lowe's roasters Ann Coulter who took most of the abuse during the special.

Davidson said:

Ann Coulter was NOT impressed with the jabs and burns during Comedy Central's Roast of Rob Lowe probably because most of the comedic barbs were aimed at her instead of Lowe himself!

The conservative political commentator, who was there to roast the Parks and Recreation actor and plug her new book In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome! received by far the worst of the heat from the comedians.

Not only was the 54-year-old called a "racist c*nt" by Saturday Night Live's Pete Davidson, but even Peyton Manning and Jewel couldn't hide their disdain for Coulter.

Photos: The Best Comedy Central Roasts!

The political pundit admitted she had "no idea" why the special turned into a roast of her, but guesses it was because Comedy Central in her opinion isn't funny anymore! She told The Hollywood Reporter:

See original here:
Ann Coulter News and Photos | Perez Hilton

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