Ann Coulter: Rome Burns Nero Worries About Pyrophobia – Breitbart News


This is not a game. When young British girls are the targets of a suicide bombing, can we take a short break from the posturing, political correctness and Russia conspiracy theorizing? Wont the hatred of Trump keep for a few weeks?

Channel-surfing on Monday night was like watching broadcasts from different countries. While Fox News and CNN covered the terrorist attack, MSNBC concentrated on the real news of the night TRUMPS COLLUSION WITH RUSSIA as children screamed in the background in footage from Manchester.

It was a big enough step for MSNBC to stop claiming that the explosion was just popping balloons. The hosts reasoned,We know that Islam is a religion of peace, so what else could it be?

CBS and NBC News finally produced the name of the suicide bomber the next day. (After any terrorist attack, the media like to keep us in suspense for as long as possible about whether it was a Muslim or a Christian.)

Even then, the answer was difficult to find on either networks Twitter feeds, which were bristling with minute-by-minute updates on former CIA Director John Brennans congressional testimony about Russia and Trump: Yes, collusion was investigated. No, Brennan is not aware of any evidence to support the theory. BREAKING NEWS!

The media didnt gaudily broadcast the bombers name, religion or ethnicity in their headlines, but at least they finally coughed up the information. He was Salman Abedi, son of Libyan refugees.

Apparently, the media think you cant be trusted with that information. You might notice that the West is deliberately importing people who enjoy killing kids.

According to ABC News, the bombers father, Ramadan Abedi (not to be confused with Huma Abedin) was a member of an al-Qaida-linked Islamic group in Libya. For this, he was accepted as a refugee by the British government.

Liberals main reaction to the attack was not to demand the toppling of the terrorist-friendly British government, but to worry about an upsurge in Islamophobia. They say theres nothing we can do about terrorism and we probably shouldnt do anything anyway, because we deserve it.

These were teen and preteen girls! Is there any fuel left in the gas tank of humanity, or are we just running on fumes now?

While liberals are impatient to get back to their murderous immigration policies, conservatives are pining for war. And really, who wouldnt want to send ground troops to Syria after our tremendous successes in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Why do we need to fight ISIS in Syria again? I forget. How about we NOT send U.S. troops to some godforsaken nation of primitives?

My reasoning is: It will cost us trillions of dollars; we will sacrifice the lives of an untold number of our best young men in combat (and little girls thanks, liberals!); and we will accomplish absolutely nothing, apart from creating a new stream of refugees and making the primitives even angrier with us, if thats possible.

Historically, starting wars in the Third World has not proved salutary.

Trump was elected for one reason: Because he promised to put Americans interests first. If only hed stuck to his campaign promises, hed be a hero right now.

The one promise Trump has kept is the so-called Muslim ban and hes looking prophetic on that. The Ninth Circuit was probably just about to release its opinion affirming a Hawaii judges revocation of Trumps travel ban, but after Manchester, theyll have to sit on it for a few weeks.

Wouldnt you rather be defending Trump for imposing a travel ban, building a wall and deporting Dreamers, than for idiotic leaks about nothing? If Trump started removing undesirable foreigners, liberals would rush back to the airports, en masse, and forget all about Russia.

The most humane response to terrorist attacks in the West is to kill a bunch of them for revenge, and then concentrate on our own problems. Instead of sending ground troops to Syria, we should be sending them to San Diego.

Our policy following every Islamic terrorist attack anyplace in the West should be the following:

1) We drop a nuke on some majority-Muslim city involved in terrorism.

2) We add six months to the immigration moratorium (which Trump promised us in his Aug. 16, 2015, immigration policy paper, the greatest political document since the Magna Carta).

3) We deport one Ninth Circuit judge.

Since Trump, politics has become a game to liberals. The media is a game. Hollywood is a game. Islamic terrorists are killing little girls in England. This isnt a game.

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Ann Coulter: Rome Burns Nero Worries About Pyrophobia - Breitbart News

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