Ann Coulter: Trump Is Not Walking Back Immigration …

Conservative commentator Ann Coulter joined CBSN to discuss her new book "In Trump We Trust." Coulter also describes the shift in American politics since Donald Trump's run for office as well as his immigration policy. Coulter responds to new Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway saying, that Trump's final immigration/deportation plan is "to be determined" in an interview on Sunday.

"I think this is just more media propaganda, this is such a non-story," Coulter said. "Look, we know the direction he's going in -- we know there's going to be a wall."

She added: "What I used to hear for half the campaign was, he secretly told the New York Times there's not even going to be a wall!"

"Of course there is give-and-take in Washington," she said. "With Hillary... we are getting totally open borders, complete amnesty... for millions of illegals."

"Hillary says she wants to more than quadruple the number of Muslim refugees she lets in. The details of Trump's plan-- We're getting a wall! We know he's going to let ICE do it's job. How much he can do without the agreement of Congress... Of course there is going to be negotiation."

"Only the media could keep introducing the same news as if it is a breaking news story. Yeah, we don't know the details yet. We know there's not going to be amnesty under Trump, and we know we're getting a wall!"

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Ann Coulter: Trump Is Not Walking Back Immigration ...

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